A stormtrooper of the Imperial forces shoots toward a Rebel pilot as the pilot exits Detention Block 2180 of the Death Star. Detention Block 2180 was a section of the first Death Star utilized for keeping prisoners. Its location was near both the battle station's Superlaser Fire Control Room, and also Hangars 84G and 85G.
During the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, this particular block served as a holding area for prisoners taken during battles with the nascent Rebel Alliance. In 0 BBY, with the battle station nearing completion, a Jedi who was imprisoned along with other Rebels formulated a strategy to aid the inmates in fleeing the station amidst a rapidly escalating revolt. Nevertheless, the stormtroopers belonging to the 501st Legion successfully suppressed the uprising, resulting in the death or recapture of every prisoner who had escaped.