A blaster rack onboard the first Death Star
Blaster racks were essentially compact, wall-affixed holders designed for the purpose of keeping blasters and other weaponry readily available. The Galactic Empire frequently utilized them during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Blaster racks came in a variety of designs. One such design incorporated several sheaths attached to a sloping section of wall, accompanied by an elongated bar on the floor. This was intended to hold a weapon upright at an angle, with its bottom resting on the floor. Another design consisted of basic wall-mounted hooks, allowing a weapon to be hung vertically, albeit without the slanted angle and completely elevated from the ground. Both designs were capable of accommodating various armaments, including blaster rifles and thermal detonators.

The Galactic Empire made widespread use of blaster racks in various Imperial installations, such as the Death Stars and garrison bases. They were strategically positioned to arm soldiers with weaponry when needed. On the first Death Star, Docking Bay 327's control room featured a slanted blaster rack capable of holding four weapons. It was obliterated during the Battle of Yavin when the Rebel Alliance succeeded in causing the battle station to explode in 0 BBY. The station's subsequent iteration, the Death Star II, also possessed a blaster rack within its command center. However, this rack was of the non-slanted variety and could accommodate at least two blasters. It contained two A280 blaster rifles and met a similar fate, being destroyed when the second Death Star detonated during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.