Docking Control Room 327

Control Room 327 for Docking was the specific control center that provided a view of Docking Bay 327 located on the first Death Star. Imperial gantry officer Pol Treidum and another gantry officer were in charge of its operations.


This control room's location was along the equatorial trench of the first Death Star, right by Docking Bay 327. A computer was situated in a bump-out area, and adjacent to it was a viewport offering a visual of the hangar below. A small closet and the entrance door were positioned on one side of the room. A security camera was present in one of the room's corners.


Pol Treidum manning the control room

During 0 BBY, Treidum and his fellow officer were managing the control room when the Millennium Falcon arrived, having been captured by a tractor beam. After his stormtroopers failed to report in for several minutes, he used the comm system to request that TK-421 return to his designated post. A trooper then appeared, indicating a problem with his helmet. Treidum acknowledged this and opened the control room doors, but Chewbacca promptly knocked him unconscious, and his colleague was subsequently shot. Control of the room was then seized by the Wookiee, along with Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2. As the droids found the tractor beam controls, Solo and Skywalker devised an escape strategy, and upon learning that Princess Leia Organa was being held captive on the station, they resolved to go to Detention Block AA-23 to rescue her. The droids remained behind while the others split up and headed in different directions throughout the battlestation. Unbeknownst to them, their activities were being monitored via a security camera by Atour Riten, the Death Star librarian, who sympathized with the intruders and arranged for the lifts to the detention block to use the correct egress protocol.

Stormtroopers eventually gained access to the control room, where they discovered the droids concealed in the closet. C-3PO successfully diverted the stormtroopers, who left one behind to guard the room. The droids quickly departed and found a computer terminal within the hangar itself.

Ultimately, the control room, along with the entire Death Star, was obliterated during the Battle of Yavin.

