Vanto was a male who hailed from the Wild Space planet Lysatra, where he ran a shipping company. He and his wife had a son named Eli N. Vanto, who, after working in the family business as a young person, went on to the Imperial Academy on Myomar. Eli's ambition was to become a supply officer. Upon their son's graduation from the Royal Imperial Academy, Vanto and his wife journeyed to Coruscant to be present at the graduation ceremony. Following the ceremony, both parents went to congratulate Eli. When Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the Chiss Lieutenant to whom Eli was to serve as translator, came over to introduce himself, Vanto became aware and tried to depart. The Vantos were apprehensive about meeting their son's colleague due to the terrifying stories circulated on their homeworld regarding his species, but Thrawn reassured them, stating that many of the legends were untrue. After the meeting with Eli and Thrawn, Vanto and his wife departed the Academy on Coruscant in order to go back home.