
The Jefi (plural: Jefies) were a sentient species inhabiting the galaxy. Known for their unwavering loyalty, the Jefies readily followed any individual demonstrating capable leadership, even submitting to rulers from other species, including humans. As the original inhabitants of the world Botajef, they constituted the vast majority, 85%, of the planet's inhabitants.

Society and culture

The history of the Jefi people was marked by extended periods of submissive obedience, punctuated by short bursts of intense and often violent conflict. Their artistic expression mirrored this historical trend, showcasing flowing forms disrupted by sharp lines or angles, with a color scheme reflecting their collective emotional and moral landscape. Jefi sculptures, characterized by low contrast, revealed the Jefies' awareness of imperfections within their cultural framework. Furthermore, Jefi art incorporated hanging trellises with quickly dampened balances, suggesting their recognition of the fundamental stability within their political structure. The Jefies demonstrated a willingness to defer to any individual displaying leadership qualities, regardless of their origin.


Botajef was the homeworld of the Jefi, who were its original inhabitants. The Jefi's history was typified by repeating cycles of prolonged passive obedience interspersed with brief outbreaks of intense strife. Despite immigration occurring over the past century, the Jefi continued to comprise the overwhelming majority, 85 percent, of the planet's population. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the human Quesl was appointed as the governor of the planet by Coruscant. Despite not being one of their own, the Jefies accepted his authority because Quesl had proven his effectiveness as a leader.

During the Imperial era, Quesl orchestrated Botajef's secession from the Empire, successfully persuading the Jefies to support his uprising. However, the rebellion served as a facade for Quesl's scheme to pilfer valuable Jefi artworks for off-world sale. His strategy involved provoking the Empire into destroying the governor's palace, feigning death and the destruction of his art collection. He intended to escape aboard a CR90 corvette with the stolen art. However, Commodore Thrawn uncovered Quesl's deception, exposing the Governor as a fraud and compelling his surrender.

Quesl forfeited the respect of his Jefi constituents and was taken into custody by the Empire. Thrawn ensured the Jefies were properly informed and that a new leader was selected pending the arrival of a new governor from Coruscant.

