Vah'nya was a Chiss female, a Force-sensitive individual born circa 23 BBY. Serving as an ozyly-esehembo within the ranks of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, she was stationed on the vessel known as the Steadfast. What set her apart from other Force-sensitive Chiss was the enduring strength of her Third Sight abilities, which persisted well beyond her formative years, remaining potent at the age of twenty-two. In addition, Vah'nya stood out as one of the rare Chiss navigators who wielded not only Third Sight, but also the power of Second Sight. Notably, she held a particular trust for Eli'van'to, who held the rank of Lieutenant Commander. She even requested that he take both their lives should capture by the Grysk seem imminent.
Timothy Zahn penned the novel Thrawn: Treason, released in 2019, which featured Vah'nya as a character.