
Yve, a female officer of the human species, held the ranks of Senior Lieutenant and Commander of Starfighters within the Imperial Navy. When the Chimaera made its arrival at Botajef, it encountered opposition in the form of two CR90 corvettes and seven squadrons of V-19 Torrent starfighters, all under the command of Governor Quesl. While Commodore Thrawn diverted Quesl's attention with a fabricated legal matter, Yve deployed TIE fighters with the objective of eliminating the turbolaser batteries positioned at the Governor's palace. Simultaneously, Thrawn engaged the Chimaera's tractor beam, effectively immobilizing the corvettes. These maneuvers by Thrawn revealed Quesl's scheme: to provoke the Imperials into obliterating his palace, along with the Jefi art collections housed within, as a means of concealing his planned escape from the planet with the misappropriated artwork. By leveraging his understanding of Jefi psychological tendencies, Thrawn successfully utilized this exposure to undermine Quesl's authority and compel his capitulation.

