An abandoned listening post, once utilized as a deep space installation by the re-established Sith Empire, was ultimately deserted during the Eternal Empire's invasion.
This station played a critical role during the Galactic War, secretly intercepting and decoding a massive amount of enemy communications; its existence and precise location were strictly guarded secrets. However, in 3636 BBY, during the Eternal Empire's conquest, the personnel stationed there were reassigned, with no replacements ever sent. The resulting chaos led to the dissolution of Sith Intelligence, and the station faded into obscurity.

Around 3630 BBY, after the Eternal Empire of Zakuul was defeated by the Eternal Alliance, the forgotten station was rediscovered. It was then repurposed as the operational headquarters for Vinn Atrius and his Order of Zildrog. Atrius, formerly of the Horizon Guard on Zakuul, aimed to annihilate the Alliance using Zildrog, an ancient superweapon originating from Iokath. He was joined by GEMINI 16, who provided her knowledge of Zildrog's functions and location, Theron Shan, who declared his intention to destroy the Alliance he had helped create, and various others harboring personal grievances against the Alliance Commander. Eventually, after pinpointing Zildrog's coordinates on Nathema, the Order relocated their base of operations there, stripping the station of all usable resources and tasking Shan with its destruction. Theron, secretly working as a double agent for the Alliance, wiped the primary console's data but preserved backups and left a message containing Zildrog's coordinates, encrypted with a code known only to himself and Lana Beniko. Smugglers in the employ of Hylo Visz intercepted Theron's message intended for the Alliance, leading the Commander and Beniko to the station shortly after Theron, Vinn Atrius, and GEMINI 16 had departed for Nathema. Discovering recordings and messages left by Shan, they learned about the Order and its objectives, but were forced to evacuate as the self-destruct mechanism was activated, resulting in the station's complete annihilation.