The following notable occurrences happened in the year 3628 BBY.
- On the world of Nathema, the Order of Zildrog suffered a defeat. [8]
- A secret Jedi Colony located on the planet Ossus was attacked by the Sith Empire. Darth Malgus's survival was made known. [1]
- Hostilities commenced in the third Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the forces of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, and the Eternal Alliance. [1]
- Order of Zildrog campaign [8] [9] The Second Mission to Nathema[8][9]
- Wild Space skirmishes [10] [11]
- Quesh riots [10] [11]
- Third Galactic War [1] [11] The Invasion of Ossus[1][11]