Galena Rans

Galena Rans was a Mirialan female who held the distinguished position of Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic. A dedicated citizen, she was also a highly decorated veteran of the Republic Navy's four-thirty-ninth bomber wing, having later married Supreme Commander Rans. Following the resignation of Chancellor Jebevel Madon, Galena Rans was elected to the office of Supreme Chancellor, subsequently working to strengthen the galactic standing of the Republic.


Prior to embarking on her political journey, Galena Rans served as a wing commander of bombers within the Republic Navy's four-thirty-ninth bomber wing. She eventually married Supreme Commander Rans, achieving veteran status. This allowed her to maintain strong connections with the Republic Military. Galena Rans was a vocal opponent of Leontyne Saresh, and after Saresh's attempted assassination of the Alliance Commander, Rans' influence grew. After Chancellor Jebevel Madon stepped down, Galena Rans assumed the role of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. She had the backing of Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, which reinforced the Republic's influence across the galaxy. Her past as a bomber wing commander garnered support from Republic hardliners, while her commitment to empowering the Senate attracted those who perceived Saresh as a dictator.

Personality and traits

Upon becoming chancellor, Galena Rans maintained a charismatic personality, an unwavering confidence in facing challenges, and the relaxed attitude of a former fighter pilot.

Behind the scenes

Galena Rans was initially referenced within the Star Wars Legends continuity in BioWare's 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, specifically in the 5.6 A Traitor Among the Chiss update from 2017 for the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion of 2016.

Rans made her first appearance in the 2019 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught expansion. Rans is only present in the Republic storyline of the expansion.

Gameplay alternatives

If the player chooses to side with the Sith Empire and eliminates Jace Malcom during the Iokath narrative, a news report within the flashpoint "A Traitor Among the Chiss" reveals that Chancellor Madon has resigned, and Galena Rans has been appointed as the interim chancellor of the Republic. Conversely, if the player aligns with the Republic throughout the Iokath storyline and into the Onslaught expansion, Galena Rans will remain the Supreme Chancellor.

