Dretcher, a male Anomid operating as an identity forger, plied his trade during the era of the Galactic War. Back in 3643 BBY, he crafted a perfect physical double for Tyresius Lokai, a Devaronian con artist. This allowed Lokai to fake his own demise and assume a new identity as "Gault Rennow." Later, Gault alleged that Dretcher attempted blackmail and fraudulently obtained funds from several prominent citizens of Nar Shaddaa using Dretcher's name, leading to a bounty being placed on Dretcher. For years, Dretcher managed to evade capture by hiding within a cortosis-lined shipping container equipped with life support. However, each time he attempted to emerge under a new identity, Gault would sabotage his efforts. Ultimately, in 3630 BBY, Gault orchestrated the shipment of Dretcher's hiding place to Vandin, a gas giant where Gault was plotting his next scheme, one that required Dretcher's unique skills. Dretcher's attempt to eliminate Gault and his associate using battle droids failed, leaving him with no alternative but to accept the job in exchange for Gault finally ceasing his harassment.
The target of their heist was the Gilded Star, the immense treasury ship belonging to the Eternal Empire, concealed deep within the atmosphere of the gas giant. Dretcher's task involved creating a forged identity of High Justice Vaylin for her mother, Senya Tirall, who provided a genetic sample and in-depth knowledge of her character. Dretcher's holographic disguise proved successful, enabling the team to board the Gilded Star and install a missile warhead within the vault. The warhead vaporized the entire contents of precious metals, which were then transferred into a tanker before their escape. Following the successful operation, Hylo Visz, Gault's partner, personally compensated Dretcher for his services. Despite this, Dretcher harbored resentment towards Gault for the damages he had caused and vowed to dispatch bounty hunters after him.