The Alliance Intelligence, alternatively known as Eternal Alliance Intelligence, functioned as the department within the Eternal Alliance responsible for all aspects of internal security, intelligence gathering, and information management pertaining to Alliance activities, from diplomatic engagements to military operations.

At the time of the Alliance's inception, its intelligence capabilities were derived from Theron Shan and his network of operatives within the Republic Strategic Information Service, as well as Imperial-aligned sympathizers provided by Lana Beniko, and various contacts spread throughout the galaxy.
A key focus of intelligence operations was devising strategies to neutralize the threat posed by the Eternal Fleet under the command of Arcann and Vaylin. These efforts yielded the identification of pro-Alliance agents and valuable resources. One significant operation involved detecting a Hyperwave frequency emanating from beneath the Spire on Zakuul, used for communication with the Eternal Fleet. Although the mission's immediate objectives were not fully achieved, it uncovered information about GEMINI Prime, ultimately setting in motion events that profoundly altered the course of the war.
The initial priority of Alliance Intelligence was to suppress a series of insurrections that threatened the Alliance's stability and the fragile peace it maintained with other galactic powers. Their interventions successfully thwarted numerous plots, including a scheme to falsely implicate the Alliance in the bombing of the Senate Building on Coruscant, and exposed anti-Alliance elements within both the Republic and the Empire.
Subsequently, intelligence agents were tasked with gathering information about the Republic and Empire, specifically their motives on Iokath. Following an incident on the planet, they were assigned to locate the traitor responsible for attempting to assassinate the Commander.

In the aftermath of the war on Iokath, Intelligence received an anonymous tip indicating that the traitor was aboard an Umbaran supply train transporting Adegan crystals. The Alliance Commander traveled to Umbara before Intelligence could fully validate the information, though director Shan concurred with the decision to intercept the train. The Commander, accompanied by Theron and Lana Beniko, boarded the train.
Eventually, the trio reached the train's control center, where Theron Shan revealed himself as the traitor, opening fire and declaring his involvement in a plot to destroy the Alliance. Ultimately, the Commander and Beniko managed to escape and return to Odessen. With Lana Beniko missing, she stepped in as temporary director, but she was not given all of the duties that her predecessor had.