Assassination of Valkorion

In 3636 BBY, following the initial clash with the Eternal Fleet, Darth Marr and the Outlander, two significant individuals engaged in the Galactic War, were captured. They were then presented to Valkorion, the Emperor of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. Darth Marr immediately recognized Valkorion as the new persona of the Sith Emperor Vitiate, who had previously abandoned his Sith Empire and even annihilated all life on the Imperial planet of Ziost. Valkorion proclaimed his limitless power and demanded Darth Marr's submission. When the Sith Lord vehemently refused and instead attacked Valkorion's Knights of Zakuul, Valkorion terminated the leader of the Dark Council with a single Force blast. Valkorion extended the same proposition to the remaining Outlander, but Prince Arcann, Valkorion's resentful son, seized the opportunity to strike at his father, resulting in the demise of Valkorion's physical form. Having survived the destruction of numerous host bodies over centuries, Vitiate's spirit transferred itself to the Outlander. Arcann then ordered the Outlander to be encased in carbonite, intending to imprison his father indefinitely, isolated and forgotten. Arcann promptly ascended to the Eternal Throne, declaring himself the new Eternal Emperor. He falsely accused the Outlander of his father's assassination, regardless of their actual involvement, and initiated a conquest against the Core Worlds, alleging it was a response to unprovoked aggression.


For over thirteen centuries, Vitiate reigned not only as the Emperor of the re-established Sith Empire but also as the creator of the secret Eternal Empire in Wild Space. From the Eternal Throne on Zakuul, he ruled as the immortal Emperor Valkorion. After his spirit's rejuvenation during the Battle of Yavin 4 and the subsequent Devastation of Ziost, Vitiate completely forsook the Sith Empire, shifting his entire focus to Zakuul. Valkorion's biological sons, Arcann and Thexan, had recently reached adulthood and executed a series of violent raids on various galactic worlds. During these raids, Arcann lost his left arm and sustained significant facial injuries, necessitating extensive cybernetic enhancements.

Arcann's initial attempt to attack his father.

Upon their return with trophies from vanquished adversaries, Valkorion dismissed them. Incensed by his father's indifference, Arcann launched an assault on him. Thexan intervened, and in the ensuing brief exchange, Arcann inadvertently struck down his brother. Shortly thereafter, a joint Imperial-Republic task force made its first approach to Zakuul's territory, prompting Valkorion to deploy the Eternal Fleet in response. In the resulting battle, the invading vessels were completely obliterated. Arcann then recovered two survivors: Dark Council leader Darth Marr and the Outlander, an individual of considerable importance to the ongoing Galactic War. These prisoners were transported to Arcann's Eternal Flagship, which then departed for Zakuul.

The confrontation

Valkorion and Arcann welcome the captured individuals.

Bound and unarmed, Darth Marr and the Outlander were escorted by Prince Arcann directly into the Eternal Throne room. Darth Marr immediately recognized the Immortal Emperor as merely another host body for the Sith Emperor Vitiate, although the Outlander remained skeptical that he could have secretly constructed an entire empire. Valkorion, without acknowledging or refuting their claims, stated that the fate of the galactic Core Worlds and their inhabitants was of no concern to him. He then offered Darth Marr the opportunity to kneel before him, using the Force to remove his restraints. However, Marr, enraged by the silence and indifference of the former Emperor who had abandoned the Sith Empire, refused to ever kneel before him again. He used the Force to pull a lightsaber pike from one of the Knights of Zakuul guarding the Throne room and launched an attack, killing at least two of them.

Darth Marr stands in defiance of his former Emperor.

Valkorion then eliminated the Sith Lord with a potent burst of concentrated lighting, at which point his daughter and High Justice Vaylin commanded all Knights and Scions of Zakuul to vacate the room. Arcann and Valkorion were left alone with the Outlander, to whom the Immortal Emperor reiterated his offer to kneel, promising to share his power in return. At this juncture, Arcann, still harboring resentment towards his father for disregarding his ambition, seized the moment. He exploited Valkorion's preoccupation with the Outlander to once again attempt to strike him down. In the ensuing chaos, Valkorion's physical body sustained a fatal wound, while Vitiate's spirit, refusing to succumb to mortality, entered the Outlander's body in search of a new host. The resulting energy surge rendered the Outlander unconscious, and Arcann used this opportunity to falsely accuse them of Valkorion's assassination. However, sensing his father's spirit still present within the new host, he ordered the Outlander to be immediately frozen in carbonite.


Following his father's demise, Arcann ascended to the position of Eternal Emperor.

With his father out of the picture, Arcann immediately ascended to the Eternal Throne and declared himself the new Eternal Emperor. He asserted that the Outlander had assassinated Valkorion for attempting to destroy Zakuul society and vowed revenge on the Core Worlds, initiating a full-scale Eternal Empire conquest in retaliation. Within a year, the combined might of the Eternal Fleet and the strength of the Knights of Zakuul overwhelmed both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, compelling them to sign peace treaties and pay substantial tribute to Zakuul. Arcann believed he had condemned his father to a fate worse than death, trapped within a body from which he could neither escape nor utilize. Indeed, Valkorion was bound to the Outlander, but his new host displayed unexpected resistance and retained control of their mind and body. This forced Valkorion to resort to deception and attempt to gain their trust instead. Valkorion showed the Outlander visions during their shared carbonite imprisonment and also used the Force to save them from death by carbonite poisoning caused by imperfect carbon-freezing process. His Empire left undefended, Darth Marr also refused to perish and persisted as a Force ghost, able to manifest himself on different worlds in the galaxy unlike most Sith spirits, who usually remained bounds to their tombs or artifacts.

Behind the scenes

Valkorion is taken by surprise and killed, either by the player or his own son.

During Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter I: The Hunt, the player has the option to either accept or reject Valkorion's offer of power, neither of which is categorized as a Light or Dark side decision. If the player accepts, Valkorion begins to imbue them with his essence, only for Arcann to succeed where the player failed and stab his father in the back. Conversely, if the player declines the offer, Valkorion commands Arcann to kill them, but Arcann instead cuts the player's restraints and provides them with their weapon, enabling them to attack the Emperor together. Arcann will attempt to strike Valkorion, who effortlessly deflects his son's direct attacks, allowing the player to seize the opportunity and stab/shoot him in the back. Regardless, Valkorion's spirit attaches itself to the player, who is publicly blamed by Arcann for the murder, and the overall events unfold similarly, although the choice will be referenced by Valkorion in dialogue several times during the subsequent events.

