Battle of Yavin 4 (Galactic War)

A clash of arms unfolded on the lunar surface of Yavin 4 following the Battle of Rishi, a theater of conflict within the broader Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. This engagement witnessed a joining of forces, a Coalition comprised of Imperial and Republic elements, under the joint leadership of Darth Marr and Satele Shan. Their unified purpose was to thwart the machinations of the Order of Revan and their leader Revan, who sought to restore the Sith Emperor to a corporeal existence with the aim of achieving his ultimate demise. While Revan's scheme was foiled, the Emperor nonetheless experienced a resurgence in power and mysteriously disappeared from the moon.


Revan manipulated both the Empire and the Republic through many saboteurs loyal to him.

The resurrected Revan, convinced that the definitive destruction of the Sith Emperor necessitated his prior return to a physical form, assumed direct command of the Order of Revan, an organization devoted to his worship. He actively recruited defectors from both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire to bolster his ranks. However, his designs were consistently disrupted by the collaborative efforts of Theron Shan from the Republic Strategic Information Service, Lana Beniko, and their associate. In an attempt to divert their attention and secure sufficient time to execute his plan of resurrecting the Emperor on Yavin 4, Revan orchestrated a trap targeting the Imperial and Republic fleets positioned above Rishi. His strategy involved redirecting hyperlanes to draw both fleets into the system, where a signal jammer would sever all communication within the fleets. Simultaneously, saboteurs planted on each vessel would disable critical systems, setting the stage for mutual annihilation.

Although the scheme nearly came to fruition, the ally of Shan and Beniko managed to deactivate the jammer located on the planet's surface. This action allowed them to contact both fleets, exposing the Revanite deception and providing a verified list of traitors embedded within each fleet. This revelation convinced Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan and Dark Council's acting leader Darth Marr to issue a ceasefire. Subsequently, both factions resolved to set aside their differences to prevent Vitiate from consuming all life in the galaxy. Operating largely independently, Darth Marr and Grand Master Shan forged the Coalition from the available portions of their respective fleets, embarking on a journey to the moon Yavin 4 to thwart Revan's objectives.

The Coalition leadership dicsuss their plans on Yavin 4.

With his involvement now public knowledge, Revan expedited his plans and launched a full-scale invasion of Yavin 4. His Revanite forces overwhelmed the limited number of Imperial Guards stationed at the Imperial Guard Academy on the moon, securing control of the Temple of Sacrifice. The Coalition established a Command Post in close proximity to the Revanite position, but their initial progress was hampered by mutual distrust and difficulties in cooperation between soldiers from both sides. To address this, a network of sensor beacons was deployed along the perimeter, providing the Coalition with surveillance of Revanite activities and a safeguard against potential betrayal. Subsequently, Satele Shan and Darth Marr coordinated the allied forces in a series of attacks against the Revanites, while Theron and Lana Beniko's ally spearheaded the troops on the battlefield.

The Conflict

Revan was determined to revive the Sith Emperor, unaware of his own folly.

The Revanites' occupation of an Imperial Guard Academy was discovered, and an incursion into the facility resulted in the capture of the surviving Imperial Guard Commandant Iven. Iven disclosed that the Revanites were utilizing the Temple of Sacrifice as their headquarters, and that Revan intended to employ an artifact capable of restoring the Sith Emperor to life, albeit at the cost of exterminating all living beings on the moon except those within the Temple. Despite the escalating conflict between the Revanites and the Coalition, both Satele Shan and Darth Marr detected a significant light-side presence on the moon, which was identified as the Force ghost of Revan. Following the battle of the Foundry, Revan's being had been divided into two distinct halves, representing his light and dark aspects. Revan's light-side component possessed the capacity to merge with the Force, but was unable to do so without his darker counterpart, who remained in physical form and was actively pursuing Vitiate's resurrection. This revelation prompted the Coalition to launch a final, decisive assault against the Revanites, aiming to definitively halt Revan's plans.

Revan inspired many from across the galaxy to forsake their allegiances and join him on Yavin 4.

The intricate locking mechanisms of the Temple were bypassed, but a substantial contingent of Revanites still stood between the Coalition forces and their objective. Once the long-standing rivalries between the Republic and Imperial soldiers were resolved, both sides were able to function cohesively as a unified force. A combined Republic and Imperial strike team then stormed the Temple, engaging the remaining Revanite Commanders, defeating Revan, and destroying an HK-47 unit. Revan's ritual was disrupted, and the artifact was destroyed, but Revan himself managed to escape the Temple, retreating to a small sanctuary in the vicinity. To definitively neutralize the threat, the Coalition leadership, represented by Darth Marr, Satele Shan and her son Theron, Lana Beniko, Wookiee smuggler Jakarro, and Shae Vizla, confronted Revan directly.

Refusing to back down, Revan single-handedly confronts the Coalition.

Despite the disruption of his plans, Revan remained determined to confront the Emperor and engaged the coalition forces in battle. He proved capable of holding his own against a significant number of adversaries, but was ultimately defeated. Although it appeared that Revan had been stopped, the voice of Vitiate echoed from above the temple, revealing that the entire conflict had been a carefully orchestrated ploy to facilitate his return to physical form. Having regained his strength by feeding on the death and chaos generated by the battle on the moon, the Emperor declared his intention to reclaim the galaxy as his own before his spirit vanished from Yavin 4 without taking a body. Devastated by his failure, the dark Revan was enraged when visited by his spectral half. However, the spirit persuaded his counterpart to relinquish his hold on their physical form and merge once more, restoring Revan to wholeness. With his mind restored, Revan warned the coalition to remain vigilant in anticipation of the Emperor's return, and Revan's physical body vanished as he merged with the Force.


Revan's Dark Side was humbled by the reapperance of his other half.

Despite the Coalition's victory, it was universally acknowledged that Vitiate's return represented the most pressing threat facing the galaxy in the immediate future. However, the Republic and Empire remained locked in a state of war, making it difficult to persuade both governments to cease hostilities entirely. Nevertheless, Marr and Shan reached a mutual understanding: should Vitiate return and launch an attack, they would be prepared to reconstitute their alliance. The Coalition was disbanded, and both fleets returned to their respective factions, although small garrisons were left on the moon to address the remaining pockets of Revanite activity.

