Tora, a Human engineer of the female persuasion, participated in the war against Zakuul as a member of the Alliance.

Tora, who was born during the period known as the Cold War, was an orphan who demonstrated extraordinary engineering skills from a very young age. When she was eleven, she created a small droid to assist her in cheating on a math test, and another to bother the classmate who had reported her. As a result, she was suspended and required to attend counseling to address her "antisocial behavior." Tora reached adulthood during the Galactic War and, by the time of the Eternal Empire conquest, she had become a swoop racer on Nar Shaddaa. Her racing career ended abruptly when she attempted to cheat by modifying thermal detonators to use as turbo boosters, but the detonators exploded during a race, destroying the race truck and injuring several other racers. Tora survived by ejecting at the last moment, but the racers placed a bounty on her as revenge. Tora was forced to escape Hutt Space and offered her engineering expertise to captain Koth Vortena on the first ship to depart the smuggler's moon.

Vortena and his crew had also defected from the Eternal Empire and were willing to fight against Zakuul's new Emperor, Arcann. Tora became a valuable member of Vortena's crew, displaying exceptional engineering skills and earning Vortena's respect despite her quick temper. In 3631 BBY, Koth joined forces with Lana Beniko to rescue her associate from being imprisoned in carbonite by Arcann. As they fled Zakuul, they discovered the legendary ship known as the Gravestone, which they used to travel to Asylum, where Vortena's crew was based. While there, Tora went on a supply run to the Free Zone black market, where she obtained a batch of thermal detonators from the Blast Crew gang, led by Tanno Vik. Vik charged her 50,000 credits for one hundred detonators, which Tora considered excessive, so she attempted to rob him instead. Vik's men apprehended her, and Tora insulted Tanno Vik's mother, enraging the Weequay to the point where he was ready to kill her. However, they were interrupted by the arrival of HK-55 and the Commander whom Beniko had rescued, who had been sent by Vortena to locate and assist Tora after she failed to return on time. The bodyguard droid identified Tora as their target, and Vik acknowledged that the Outlander had done him a favor by eliminating his old rival Oggo, but he still refused to hand Tora over.

The Outlander successfully resolved the situation peacefully, allowing Tora to return to the Asylum docks and begin working on the Gravestone, reprimanding her captain for neglecting the ship and nearly damaging the power core. When the Eternal Fleet arrived at their location and initiated the battle of Asylum, the crew managed to escape on the Gravestone. Tora commented on the Outlander's poor appearance after a duel with Arcann and inquired if she could take their belongings upon the Outlander's death. The group then traveled to Odessen, where Beniko established a formal Alliance to oppose the Eternal Empire, which Tora joined along with the rest of Vortena's crew. Tora celebrated with the others by drinking in a cantina, where she mistook a HK-51 series assassin droid for HK-55 and eventually passed out. During the Battle of Odessen, she participated in the defense of the Alliance base aboard the Gravestone, assisting Theron Shan in repairing the ship's omnicannon.

During the battle, the Alliance succeeded in removing Arcann from power, but his sister Vaylin took his place on the Eternal Throne, allying herself with SCORPIO. Together, they used deception to launch a surprise assault on the Gravestone, boarding the ship disguised as a civilian freighter. Although Vortena managed to avoid capture, Tora, Len Parvek, and the rest of the crew were taken prisoner by Vaylin on the ship's bridge. SCORPIO, with her own hidden agenda, manipulated Vaylin into leaving the bridge, allowing Koth and the Outlander to reach it and free Tora and the others. Koth then revealed that he had planted a quantum bomb on the ship and ordered Tora and the others to the escape pods, where they managed to eject shortly before SCORPIO seized control of the ship and launched it into hyperspace. The Alliance eventually defeated Vaylin, and Tora joined the others in traveling to Zakuul on the Gravestone. There, the Outlander claimed the Eternal Throne and declared the beginning of the age of the Eternal Alliance, uniting the military forces of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet with the Alliance's cause, which Tora remained a part of.
Tora is a character featured in the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and she makes her first appearance in Chapter VI: Asylum. If the player consistently makes Dark Side choices and causes Koth Vortena to leave the Alliance, Tora will have a more significant role in the story, becoming the captain of the Gravestone and taking over Koth's role in the events of the GEMINI trap and the Battle of Odessen.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter VI: Asylum, the player has the option to resolve Tora's conflict with Tanno Vik peacefully, either by instructing her to apologize to Vik or by simply paying for the stolen thermal detonators for Light Side points, or by killing Tanno Vik for Dark Side points.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter IX: The Alliance, Tora will have a conversation with HK-51 only if the player had unlocked him as a companion before starting the Fallen Empire storyline.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter X: Anarchy In Paradise, if the player allows Kaliyo Djannis to detonate the bombs in the Spire on Zakuul after previously allowing the Sun Generator to explode during Chapter III: The Outlander, Koth Vortena will abandon the Alliance along with Len Parvek and potentially Ralo. They will attempt to steal the Gravestone, but Tora will fight them off, forcing Koth to escape on a shuttle instead, while Tora informs the Alliance Command of the situation.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter XI: Disavowed, if Koth Vortena has left the Alliance, Tora will reassure the player that she and the remaining crew will remain loyal, primarily because of the consistent pay.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception, if Koth Vortena has left the Alliance, Tora will pilot the Gravestone instead, notifying the player when their jamming signal temporarily fails and when GEMINI Prime stops responding to any signals.
- During Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen, if Koth Vortena has left the Alliance, Tora will pilot the Gravestone instead, before assisting Theron Shan in repairing the omnicannon and leaving the bridge to T7-O1. This will enable Koth and his loyalists to infiltrate and steal the Gravestone, capturing Tora and Theron Shan and ejecting them in an escape pod before escaping with the ship.
- In Eternal Throne Chapter III: Dark Reunions, if Koth Vortena has left the Alliance and stolen the Gravestone, Tora will not be present when Vaylin and her forces seize control of the ship. At the end of the Chapter, the player can choose to either forgive Koth and allow him back into the Alliance or kill him. If the player chooses to kill him, the Gravestone will be returned to the Alliance, but Hylo Visz will become the new captain, with Tora's role in the subsequent events remaining unchanged. Tora will comment that while she believed Koth was a capable captain, he deserved what happened to him for betraying the Alliance. She will then attempt to seize any assets Koth possessed. [4]