
The Blacklist represented a top-secret roster of bounties, existing from the era of the Cold War and continuing into the Galactic War. Access to this list and the ability to post bounties upon it were restricted to the galaxy's most influential figures, spanning government officials and criminal overlords. However, the bounty hunters themselves were the only individuals authorized to view the bounties listed. Its secrecy was so extreme that even Mako, the companion of the most recent Great Hunt Champion, a slicer with extensive knowledge of bounty hunting and access to almost any database, had only encountered vague rumors regarding its existence.

The bounties featured on the Blacklist were the most lucrative, targeting only the most dangerous and sought-after individuals in the galaxy. Consequently, they were exclusively available to the Grand Champions of the Great Hunt, bounty hunters who had demonstrated their exceptional skills and earned recognition as the galaxy's finest. It was believed that the list originated around the same time as the Great Hunt and was therefore linked to the Mandalorian clans.

The Blacklist maintained its own set of customs, which were upheld by the Great Hunt Champions. The latest champion was expected to undertake the list's oldest contract, a mission to capture a banished Mandalorian named Jicoln Cadera on Taris, a task that had never been successfully completed. A particularly important and long-standing tradition dictated that a Mandalorian must always be among the Grand Champions.

Given the limited number of hunters with the authorization to pursue them, it was not uncommon for a notably challenging bounty on the Blacklist to remain active for weeks, months, or even years before being successfully claimed.

The following are the only two bounty hunting contracts known to have been listed on the Blacklist:

  • A bounty was placed on a banished Mandalorian named Jicoln Cadera by Mandalore himself. Due to its extreme difficulty, the bounty remained unclaimed for almost a decade, evolving into more of a tradition than a genuine bounty, as no one realistically expected it to be completed. As part of the tradition, each hunter who accepted the job contributed a sum of credits, which would be awarded to the hunter who ultimately succeeded.
  • The Chiss Ascendancy issued a contract to hunt down Reneget Vause, a deranged Trandoshan who had perpetrated numerous atrocities within their territory.

The Great Hunt Champions with access to the Blacklist included:

