Crysta Markon was a female Human Bounty hunter. During the Cold War, she served the reconstituted Sith Empire.
Back in 3643 BBY, she functioned as a handler at the Mandalorian Enclave situated on Dromund Kaas. It was there that she encountered an unidentified bounty hunter who had arrived to compete in the Great Hunt. Crysta dispatched the bounty hunter on multiple missions across the planet to secure a position in the final battle. After the hunter emerged victorious in the final melee and earned a spot as a Great Hunt competitor, Crysta then directed the hunter to commandeer a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft from the spaceport as a component of the competition. Despite Tarro Blood's intervention, who alerted the spaceport authorities, the hunter successfully absconded with the vessel.
Throughout the duration of the Great Hunt, Crysta furnished holorecordings containing details about their designated target. Upon the hunter's arrival in the final round, Crysta herself conveyed via holo that the ultimate target was Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, renowned for his extensive number of Mandalorian kills. Given that Jarro was stationed aboard the Republic starship, Aurora, the hunter was tasked not only with eliminating him but also with disabling the ship's hyperdrive regulator, ensuring the ship's destruction upon entering hyperspace. She also informed the hunter that Blood had already reached the Aurora.
Later, Crysta witnessed the hunter's triumphant return to Dromund Kaas and offered her congratulations.
In 3637 BBY, Crysta dispatched a message to the Hunter, suggesting various planets for a vacation destination. Shortly thereafter, while vacationing on Rishi, she sent a message back to her daughter Thera Markon detailing her experiences there. However, she met her demise at the hands of the Kanawyn Syndicate, prompting her daughter to journey to Rishi to investigate the circumstances of Crysta's death.