Tarro Blood

Once a male Human Mandalorian, Tarro Blood transitioned into a bounty hunter during the times of the Cold War and Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He competed in the Great Hunt, resorting to extensive sabotage against his fellow participants.


First Great Hunt

As the son of Alderaanian aristocrats, Tarro Blood gave up his rights as the successor to a small lordship. He made this decision so that he could pursue greater glory and fame as a Mandalorian mercenary known throughout the galaxy.

Leaving his former life behind and adopting a new, theatrical name, Blood proved his legitimacy after many years spent training under the famous Mandalorian champion, Hedarr Soongh. Blood became a formidable warrior under Soongh's tutelage and was considered the frontrunner to win the next Great Hunt.

Unfortunately for Blood, his natural arrogance and quick rise to prominence were not well received by his competitors. The other Mandalorians participating in the competition were determined to prevent him from winning. This defeat nearly killed Blood, in addition to damaging his pride, and he remained out of the public eye for almost ten years, opting out of the next Great Hunt.

Second Great Hunt

Blood entered another Hunt after a decade, and he did not care about maintaining honor during the competition, sabotaging his competitors at every opportunity. Braden, one of the rival hunters he targeted, had discovered a talented protege to compete in the Great Hunt. Blood had his accomplice, Sedyn Kyne, murder Braden and his friend Jory while the Hunter was out collecting a bounty on the Corellian fugitive Vexx. Blood was unaware that his actions were being recorded on holocam, and his goal was to strand the Hunter on Nal Hutta. Later, he sent a Rodian bounty hunter named Nails to eliminate the Hunter, but his lackey underestimated his opponent and was killed.

The Hunter was able to secure sponsorship into the Great Hunt from Suudaa Nem'ro and traveled to Dromund Kaas to earn a spot in the final melee. Blood continued to interfere by hiring freelance Imperial soldiers to disrupt the Hunter's first bounty and later attempted to claim that the Hunter had died within the Dark Temple, but both attempts failed. When the Hunter won the final melee and became a Great Hunt competitor, Blood directly interfered and tried to discredit the Hunter's credentials, claiming they were fake, but the Huntmaster and his assistant had already made their decision. Upset that his adversary would not die, Blood vowed to have the Hunter's skull in his possession by the end of the competition. He then informed the Imperial authorities that the Hunter planned to steal a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft from the local spaceport; Blood was incorrectly labeled as an honest Mandalorian. Despite this, the Hunter succeeded in stealing the ship.

Blood consistently interfered with the Hunter's hunts throughout the Great Hunt. On Balmorra, he deceived Vexx's siblings into believing that the Hunter had shot Vexx in the back and killed Braden when he discovered the "crime." He then alerted Hunt target Tyresius Lokai that the Hunter was after him, and on Alderaan, he paid House Rist to assassinate the hunter. Blood also leaked the list of Great Hunt targets to sell on an auction on Hutta, which forced Assistant Huntsmaster Lek to ask the Hunter for help.

Hedarr Soongh learned of Blood's crimes and assisted the Hunter in eliminating Blood's allies on Nar Shaddaa. Kyne was challenged to a death match and lost, but his comrades fatally wounded Soongh when they refused his demand to stop persecuting the Hunter. The Hunter then killed them, depriving Blood of any support in the Hunt.

The final target of the Great Hunt was Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, who was credited with the highest number of Mandalorian deaths. Blood was the first hunter to reach Jarro, but he was quickly subdued by a mind trick. While being questioned, Blood claimed that the Hunter was his accomplice, hoping that the Republic would detain or kill his rival once and for all. He was wrong on both counts. Face-to-face for the last time, separated by a forcefield, Blood tried to provoke the Hunter into releasing him and facing him in a final confrontation, claiming that both Soongh and Braden would have wanted it. Mako, the Hunter's partner, stated that Braden would have wanted to see Blood as he was, unworthy of a warrior's death.

Behind the scenes

Tarro Blood is a non-player character in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which was released by BioWare in 2011. Fred Tatasciore provides his voice.

Blood's fate can be determined in three ways: leaving him in his cell to die when the ship is destroyed, freeing him from his cell to fight him in a duel and kill him, or freeing him from his cell and shooting him immediately.

