Great Hunt (c. 3643 BBY)

During the Cold War, which occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a fresh iteration of the Great Hunt was initiated; this was a contest designed for hunters from all corners of the galaxy. This particular event, however, turned into a lethal confrontation between Braden's protégé and Tarro Blood, the Alderaanian who became a Mandalorian.

Gaining Entry

To begin, the Hunter confronted and eliminated a Corellian fugitive known as Vexx on Nal Hutta. Simultaneously, Tarro decimated the majority of Braden's team, thereby preventing the Hunter from obtaining the necessary support for Great Hunt entry. Despite Blood's proxies, the Hunter successfully secured sponsorship from Nem'ro, the Hutt. Upon reaching Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Empire, the Hunter and Mako, the last survivor of Braden's team, connected with Crysta Markon at the Mandalorian Enclave. Crysta assigned them bounties across the planet to qualify for the final competition. Blood persistently interfered, deploying freelance Imperial mercenaries and falsely declaring the Hunter's death within the Dark Temple. In the end, the Hunter triumphed in the final melee, becoming a Great Hunt participant. Blood attempted to discredit the Hunter, but the Huntmaster had already made his decision. Enraged by his failure to disqualify his adversary, Blood vowed to kill the Hunter.

The Actual Hunt

Crysta then instructed the Hunter to commandeer a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft from the spaceport, but Blood had already informed the port authorities about the impending theft. Nevertheless, the Hunter succeeded, eliminating the Imperials and the ship's Neimoidian owner.


The Hunter's initial target was Admiral Ivernus on Balmorra, a key Imperial figure who remained constantly on his ship. However, Mako discovered a vulnerability through Major Pirrell, who was seeking assistance. Upon landing, they were confronted by Vexx's siblings, who had been informed by Blood that the Hunter had fatally shot Vexx and murdered Braden upon discovering the Hunter's "crime". The Hunter successfully convinced the siblings that Tarro was deceiving them.

The Hunter soon encountered Pirrell, who sought to undermine his superior and gain Ivernus' favor. He tasked the Hunter with missions across Balmorra to achieve this, ultimately succeeding in drawing Ivernus away from his warship's protection. To Pirrell's dismay, Ivernus intended to execute him for incompetence, before Pirrell's Cathar slave was revealed to be a rival bounty hunter targeting Ivernus. The Hunter managed to eliminate both the rival and Ivernus simultaneously. The Hunter also opted to spare Pirrell, considering his cowardice, and the Imperial promised to place all blame on the Cathar.

Nar Shaddaa

The second target was a private security consultant, the Eidolon, a staunch Republic supporter, located on Nar Shaddaa. The Hunter and Mako contacted Geleren, a Twi'lek slaver, and Mako's longtime friend Anuli, who assisted them in sabotaging Eidolon Security. Regrettably, the Eidolon retaliated, killing both Geleren and Anuli before engaging the Hunter in a duel, which the Hunter won. Despite the Hutt Cartel offering a substantial reward for the Eidolon's live capture, the Zabrak pleaded for a mercy killing, preferring it to the Hutts' mercies. The Hunter granted his request.

The auction

The Hunter was then summoned by Assistant Huntsmaster Lek to recover a list of Great Hunt targets being auctioned on Hutta. The Hunter disrupted the auction, retrieved the list, and discovered that Blood had leaked it.

Sands of Tatooine

The subsequent target was a Devaronian fugitive named Tyresius Lokai, who had angered numerous criminal cartels. Unfortunately, Blood had tipped off Tyresius, resulting in his ship being shot down over Tatooine. The Hunter eventually cornered the cunning Devaronian at his ship. Tyresius proposed a deal: the Hunter could shoot a double, capable of fooling even Lek, and Tyresius would work for the Hunter under the alias Gault Rennow. The Hunter agreed.

The Durasteel Duke

The fourth target was Duke Corwin Organa, also known as the Durasteel Duke. The Hunter sought the assistance of House Girard in locating Corwin, the same house that orchestrated his rival's downfall. Ultimately, the Hunter cornered the Duke at an Organa estate. However, to the Hunter's surprise, Corwin was found dead, with his sister impersonating him. The Organas then handed over Corwin's body.

Return to Nar Shaddaa

The Hunter was soon contacted by Hedarr Soongh, a former Great Hunt Champion, who informed the Hunter that Blood's allies were gathering on Nar Shaddaa to discuss how to deal with the Hunter. The Hunter and Mako confronted Braden's murderer and, under Soongh's supervision, engaged in an honorable death duel that the Hunter won. Sadly, the other Mandalorians disregarded Soongh's demand to allow the Hunter to complete the Great Hunt peacefully and shot the elderly man. After the Hunter eliminated the remaining of Blood's henchmen, with his final words, Soongh implored the Hunter not to let the Mandalorian deviate from the path of honor.

The final round

The final target of the Great Hunt was Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, infamous for the most Mandalorian kills during the Sacking of Coruscant. Crysta instructed the Hunter to eliminate Jarro and disable the Republic cruiser Aurora's hyperdrive output regulator, which would cause the ship's destruction upon entering hyperspace. She also revealed that Blood was already en route to confront Jarro.

The Hunter located the Aurora only for the Hunter's ship to be caught in a tractor beam. Upon meeting a Republic security team, the Hunter learned that Jarro had captured Blood and convinced him that the Hunter was his accomplice. The Hunter refused to be taken into custody and fought through the ship, eventually finding Blood in the brig. Blood demanded release to settle their feud, asserting that it was what both Soongh and Braden would have wanted. Mako countered that Braden would have wanted to see Blood exactly as he was, undeserving of an honorable death. The Hunter agreed to leave Blood in his cell and walked away, ignoring the pathetic Mandalorian's screams.

The Hunter faced Jarro on the bridge, who attempted to use a mind trick to subdue the Hunter as he had done with Blood, but discovered that his opponent possessed a stronger will. The Jedi then attempted reasoning, stating that revenge was unprofitable, but the Hunter refused to yield. After the Hunter killed Jarro, his Padawan Thendys Noori urged the Hunter to kill her as well, but the Hunter chose to spare her, a decision that might be regretted.

After narrowly escaping the Aurora's destruction, the victorious Hunter returned to Dromund Kaas and was declared the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt.

