Thendys Noori

Thendys Noori, a female Mirialan Padawan in the Jedi Order, dedicated herself to the service of the Galactic Republic amidst the Cold War against the Sith Empire.


As a Force-sensitive Mirialan, Thendys Noori underwent training in the ways of the Force under the guidance of the Jedi Order. She served as the Padawan to Jedi Master Kellian Jarro during the Cold War with the Sith Empire. During this period, Master Jarro became the final target in the Great Hunt for bounty hunters seeking the grand prize. The initial bounty hunter to attempt her Master's assassination was a Mandalorian named Tarro Blood, but he was swiftly subdued using a mind trick. While being interrogated, Blood revealed that another Hunter was his accomplice and was on their way, a claim Jarro believed.

Soon after, a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft materialized from hyperspace and was promptly ensnared by the Aurora's tractor beam. Security teams moved to apprehend the hunter for acts of terrorism, but the hunter battled their way through the entire ship until they reached Noori and her Master on the bridge. Jarro demanded the hunter's surrender before attempting another mind trick, only to realize that their opponent possessed a far stronger will than the easily manipulated Blood. He then tried to reason with the hunter, acknowledging the Mandalorians' desire for his death but arguing that revenge offered no profit. The hunter disregarded his words and attacked Jarro. Noori could only watch, powerless, as her Master was killed. Overwhelmed by grief, she begged the hunter to kill her as well, to spare her the shame of failing her master. Her Master's killer was happy to grant her request, ending her life.

Behind the scenes

Gameplay alternatives

Players have the option to either spare Noori, earning light side points, or execute her, resulting in dark side points.

If Noori is spared, she sends a message to the Grand Champion, informing them that the Jedi calmed her down and encouraged the bounty hunter to abandon their violent profession. Later, she appears on Quesh, leading a strike team to capture the Hunter. She operates under the supervision of Jedi Battlemaster Jun Seros, convincing him that the Champion would surrender peacefully. She reminds the Champion that they spared her life, which would be taken into account by the courts if the Champion surrendered. She is soon killed in the ensuing battle.

If Noori is killed, another Jedi Knight, Tyler Thello, will take her place during the Quesh mission.

