Hedarr Soongh

Hedarr Soongh existed as a Human Mandalorian of the male persuasion, achieving renown amongst his fellow Mandalorians due to his status as the youngest victor of the Great Hunt in the year 3708 BBY.

Prior to his status as a Mandalorian, Soongh secured his place in history as the youngest hunter to ever triumph in the Great Hunt. During the era known as the Cold War, Soongh uncovered a conspiracy: some of his former students had aligned themselves with Tarro Blood with the intention of removing their rival. Consequently, Soongh reached out to Blood's adversary, a skilled hunter who had managed to survive, to alert him to the presence of Blood's collaborators on Nar Shaddaa, where they were devising a plot to bring about the Hunter's ultimate downfall. Soongh himself oversaw a duel to the death, conducted with honor, between the Hunter and the individual responsible for the deaths of both Braden and Jory. Despite the Hunter's victory, the other Mandalorians disobeyed Soongh's command to permit the Hunter to continue participating in the Great Hunt without interference, and they shot the Hunter in the chest. Following the Hunter's defeat of all of them, Soongh entreated the Hunter to guarantee that the Mandalorians would not forfeit their honor.

