Vander was a General within the Republic Army, a male Human, and he was stationed on Ord Mantell during the period known as the Cold War.
During the Separatist War, General Vander served as the Republic's operational commander on Ord Mantell, overseeing all military units. Recognizing potential, he elevated a promising sergeant from the renowned Havoc Squad to the rank of lieutenant for their role in neutralizing the stolen ZR-57. Following the defection of Commander Harron Tavus and his followers to the Sith Empire, he charged the newly-promoted lieutenant with the task of reforming the squad. Furthermore, he assigned Aric Jorgan, a recently-demoted sergeant, as the initial new member of Havoc, explaining that it was the most he could offer the soldier whose reputation had been damaged by the treachery of his former comrades. Later on, he reached out to Jorgan, offering him the chance to return to his previous position at Ord Mantell Infantry Command. However, the Cathar politely declined, expressing his determination to capture and bring Tavus to justice.
In the course of the Galactic War, shortly before the Revanite crisis commenced, General Vander was in charge of a Republic force sent to liberate the planet Altair 9. After a prolonged siege lasting ten months, his forces, with assistance from a Special Forces unit that infiltrated the city and disabled the Imperial defense network, successfully captured the capital city of Klemark. All Imperial forces were either killed or taken prisoner, and subsequently, food and other forms of assistance were provided to the suffering population. In the hours following the victory, Vander addressed a small group of journalists, proclaiming, "This is truly a magnificent victory that all citizens of the Republic can take pride in!"