Altair 9 was a planet characterized by its dark and swampy environment, found within the Altair system situated in the Outer Rim Territories.
Around the start of the Revanite crisis during the Galactic War, Klemark the capital city of Altair 9, was attacked by the forces of the Galactic Republic. After a protracted siege lasting ten months, the city was ultimately liberated from Imperial occupation. The Republic subsequently provided supplies of food and other essential aid to the planet's inhabitants, who had suffered greatly.
By the time the Clone Wars erupted, the planet, positioned near the border of space controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, became the site of a minor skirmish between the Republic and the Separatists. During ground combat operations, ARC Trooper Alpha-98 faced an attack from a broca while engaged in fighting against the Separatist Droid Army.
The name Altair is shared with a prominent star in Earth's own galaxy. Its presence in Star Wars echos that of Rigel VII. However, the designation "Altair 9," utilizing Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals like "Altair IX," hints that Altair 9 might be the ninth moon orbiting a gas giant named Altair, rather than the ninth planet revolving around a star bearing that name.