Zane (SIS)

Zane, a male Human, held the rank of Senior Agent within the Republic Strategic Information Service during the era of the Cold War.


Back in 3643 BBY, Zane became consumed with the idea of locating Dusk 9, a secret Imperial prison and clandestine research facility, with the aim of extracting its intelligence. To achieve this, he devised a scheme involving the intentional capture of Republic troopers, equipped with tracking implants, by Imperial forces. This was ostensibly to map out the Imperial penal system for SIS POW rescue operations, but his true hope was that one of these troopers would be transferred to Dusk 9. Among the thousands of troopers involved were the Deadeyes, an elite Republic sniper unit. Captured on Nar Shaddaa, the Deadeyes were dispersed across various prison camps. Their capture drew the attention of Aric Jorgan, a member of Havoc Squad and the former commanding officer of the Deadeyes.

Upon learning from an irate Imperial diplomat about Havoc Squad's raid on an Imperial detention center, Zane confronted Agent Jonas Balkar, suspecting him of orchestrating the attack. At that moment, Havoc Squad arrived, claiming responsibility. To prevent the elite squad from disrupting his plans, Zane falsely claimed he was pursuing peaceful means to recover the Deadeyes. He attempted to leverage his rank to discourage Havoc from further intervention.

Zane later discovered that Jorgan had contacted Balkar's Signal Intelligence contact to decode the coordinates of the Deadeyes' location. He intercepted the holotransmission and warned Havoc Squad to back off. However, this only heightened Jorgan's suspicion of Zane's interest in the Deadeyes, fueling his determination to find another way to decode the coordinates.

Following Havoc's rescue of Torve from Tatooine, Zane contacted them. He expressed understanding for their concern for their comrades, but argued that their continued interference was jeopardizing his plan. Jorgan, in anger, declared that his operation was failing and demanded that he rescue the Deadeyes or stay out of their way. Zane refused, prompting Jorgan to end the call.

Eventually, Zane came to the conclusion that the Imperials did not value their prisoners. Consequently, he bugged himself and arranged his own capture, confident that the leaders at Dusk 9 would be unable to resist an SIS agent. Instead, he was placed in a labor camp on Hoth alongside Hal, Berix, and other members of the Deadeyes, where Jorgan eventually found him. Irritated, Zane revealed the Deadeyes' true mission and asserted that Havoc's interference meant he would have to start his mission over elsewhere.

Jorgan's anger intensified when he learned that two of his former comrades, Trace and Koplin, had died from exposure to the cold. Drawing a blaster on Zane, he accused him of making false promises to his former squad. He demanded to know the total number of soldiers who had died for his pointless mission. Zane smugly pointed out that Jorgan couldn't kill him with witnesses present. However, the Deadeyes stated that they would simply claim the Imperials were responsible. Terrified, Zane turned to the Havoc CO, who ordered Jorgan to stand down, promising that Zane would be held accountable through proper channels. Jorgan then relented. Zane then threatened Jorgan with imprisonment for attempted murder. The CO countered that he would have every soldier in the Republic hunting him or use Havoc Squad's prestige to counter his claim, leading Zane to agree to silence. Jorgan then requested a shuttle for his remaining men.

Behind the scenes

Should the player choose a dark side path, they have the option of allowing Jorgan to kill Zane, a decision he will later regret.

