Scions of Zakuul

The Scions of Zakuul, often referred to as simply the Scions, were a specialized group within the Knights of Zakuul. These individuals possessed the ability to perceive future events through their connection to the Force and were intensely captivated by the concept of predetermined fate. Their belief in their prophetic visions was absolute, bordering on zealousness, which contrasted sharply with the Jedi's philosophy that the future is fluid and only partially revealed.

Historical Overview

Heskal unveils the fact that Valkorion's essence remains within the Outlander's consciousness.

Early in his rule over the Eternal Empire, Valkorion established the Scions within the Knights, utilizing their precognitive abilities to locate the long-dormant Eternal Fleet. Scions were frequently teamed up with conventional Knights, creating a balanced force of both physical and mental capabilities. However, after Valkorion's son, Arcann—who harbored a strong dislike for the Scions—ascended to the throne as Emperor, he initiated a widespread extermination of the Scions, nearly eradicating them. Heskal, along with a contingent of Scions, managed to survive this purge, finding sanctuary on Asylum until they offered assistance to the Outlander. The Scions subjected the Outlander to a series of rigorous combat trials and questioned their motivations before ultimately discovering that Valkorion had endured within the Outlander's psyche. Subsequently, Heskal murdered the majority of his followers after they learned he had summoned Arcann to Asylum in an effort to realize his vision; nevertheless, the remaining Scions maintained their loyalty to the Outlander and committed to supporting the Outlander's Alliance when the time came.

The Scions resurfaced on the planet Iokath, aiding the Outlander in the defeat of the machine deity Tyth. A number of them also aligned themselves with the Order of Zildrog, opposing the Alliance. Following the Outlander's triumph over the Order, the Scions expressed their remorse for the actions of their renegade brethren.

During the period of the third Galactic War, the Scions, under the leadership of Minazar, sought to fulfill Heskal's prophecy by attempting to resurrect Valkorion. They successfully located Kira Carsen's ship and arrived via a Zakuulan shuttle. However, the ship had already been discovered by the Servants, a rogue Sith faction and fanatical remnants of the Emperor's Hand. These two conflicting groups, both serving the same Emperor but with differing interpretations of his will, engaged in combat aboard the vessel, with the Servants overpowering the Scions. By the time Task Force Nova arrived, Minazar had perished at the hands of Servant Four, and the remaining Scions were eliminated, never to be seen again in the galaxy. Ultimately, the Scions joined their master in oblivion.

