Malita Tal

Malita Tal was a Human female who resided in the Eternal Empire on Zakuul, holding citizenship there.


From a young age, Malita Tal worked as a holoperformer, achieving idol status while still a teenager. As time passed, her popularity only grew. Millions tuned in to watch her HoloNet performances, and her dedication to humanitarian and environmental efforts inspired her most ardent followers. To honor her work, the Malita Tal Environmentalism Award was established, recognizing efforts to protect and restore Zakuul's natural ecosystems. After Valkorion's assassination in 3636 BBY, his son Arcann ascended to the throne. Malita was among the first on Zakuul to openly challenge his authority. Her fanbase organized demonstrations against Arcann, but Zakuul officials soon claimed to have discovered evidence of terrorist communications on her personal holoterminal. It is suspected that this evidence was fabricated by the officials themselves. Facing accusations of treason, Malita was compelled to flee Zakuul and seek exile. This event deeply divided her fanbase, with some denouncing her as a traitor and others holding onto hope for her return.

Malita Tal as a prisoner on the Eternal Fleet warship

In 3631 BBY, a coalition known as the Alliance was formed against Arcann, uniting former Republic and Imperial forces. Malita and others sought to join this Alliance, but its location was heavily guarded. Eventually, she connected with Galactic Republic Senator Tai Cordan and Imperial Admiral Zasha Ranken, and together they resolved to establish their own Alliance. However, their plans were soon uncovered, leading to their capture. While being transported to Zakuul aboard an Eternal Fleet warship, the vessel was boarded in 3630 BBY by Alliance forces, including Senya Tirall, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, and The Alliance Commander. They located and freed the prisoners, but as they made their way to the escape pods, the GEMINI captain of the warship initiated the self-destruct sequence. Malita and her bodyguards, along with the other two groups, found themselves trapped in escape pods that failed to launch. Theron Shan managed to remotely launch two of the three pods before the remaining one detonated, resulting in the death of everyone on board.

Behind the scenes

Malita Tal makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire in Chapter 15: The GEMINI Deception. The player is presented with the choice of which order to save Malita, Ranken, or Cordan. The first two individuals chosen will survive and join the Alliance, while the last one will perish. This decision does not align with either Light or Dark Side choices. If Malita is left to die, Senya will express her displeasure.

