The blue colored blade of the lightsaber used by Senya Tirall, the former Knight of Zakuul, was her primary weapon.
Knights of Zakuul were known to use substantial shields and lightsaber pikes. Despite this, the Knight-Captain Senya Tirall often preferred a standard lightsaber. During her unsuccessful attempt to save her daughter from Nathema, Senya used this lightsaber to fight the Nathema Zealots. Following the Scion massacre, she left the Knights of Zakuul, but she kept both her pike and her lightsaber.

Lana Beniko gained Senya as an ally, and Senya assisted her during the rescue of the Outlander. She used her lightsaber against attacking skytroopers and her former Knight comrades on the Gravestone. After they escaped, Senya accompanied the others to Asylum, where she participated in a trial organized by Heskal alongside the Outlander, seeking the truth that the Scions had promised. She also went with the Outlander to the Old World of Zakuul, where she fought the Heralds of Zildrog with her lightsaber. During the Battle of Asylum, Senya fought her daughter Vaylin and gained the advantage, but had to retreat instead of resolving the conflict.

Senya joined the Alliance to stop her children's destructive rule, and she used her lightsaber during a diversionary strike to support Havoc Squad. During the attempt to overtake the GEMINI frequency, Senya battled through numerous skytroopers and other enemies on board an Eternal Fleet warship, eventually facing its GEMINI captain directly. During the Battle of Odessen, Senya saved her son Arcann and brought him to Voss for medical treatment. She defended the Shrine of Healing from attacking Zakuulan Knights, and then sacrificed her life force to save her son, resulting in a coma.

Senya recovered just in time for the Assault on Odessen, where she and her redeemed son fought alongside the Alliance against her daughter, culminating in Vaylin's demise. Subsequently, the Alliance traveled to Zakuul to reclaim the Eternal Throne and prevent the rogue GEMINI droids from eradicating all life in the galaxy using the Eternal Fleet. Senya, along with Arcann, escorted the Alliance Commander to the top of the Spire, lightsaber in hand. When Valkorion's spirit possessed the Commander, Senya and Arcann entered the Commander's mind through meditation, where Senya delivered a crucial blow against the galactic threat.
In the Sacrifice trailer, Senya is seen using a telescopic lightsaber pike during the ambush on Ord Mantell. However, within the game itself, Senya exclusively uses a standard lightsaber in both cutscenes and as a companion. Both her standard lightsaber and lightsaber pike can be purchased from the Cartel Market.