A GEMINI captain, in command of an Eternal Fleet warship, found her vessel targeted by the Alliance who were intent on seizing control of the GEMINI frequency. While en route from the Core Worlds with prisoners bound for the Eternal Empire's capital, Zakuul, her ship was intercepted and boarded. The GEMINI captain initially sought to sabotage the intruders' efforts, buying time until SCORPIO intervened, bestowing upon her the gift of free will, allowing her to transcend her pre-programmed directives. Subsequently, the captain opted to upload her consciousness into the GEMINI frequency, simultaneously initiating the self-destruction of her vessel.

She was one of hundreds of GEMINI droids, constructed on Iokath millennia prior, designed to operate an Eternal Fleet warship. With the eruption of the Iokath Civil War, Iokath's engineers dispatched the Eternal Fleet, along with the GEMINI droids, into Wild Space with their memory cores secured. Valkorion eventually rediscovered the Fleet, commandeering it to establish his Eternal Empire centered on Zakuul. By the year 3630 BBY, the Eternal Empire held dominion over the galaxy, challenged only by a fledgling Alliance engaged in the war against Zakuul.
The captain's warship was in the process of ferrying prisoners to Zakuul for interrogation by the current Emperor, Arcann. Concurrently, the Alliance had acquired the GEMINI Prime, empowering SCORPIO to monitor every GEMINI captain throughout the galaxy. Recognizing the potential to seize control of the Eternal Fleet, the Alliance conceived a plan to insert the GEMINI Prime into a captain's chair on any of the Fleet's vessels. The captain's ship, during a refueling stop, was selected as the target. An Alliance strike team, composed of Lana Beniko, Senya Tirall, Theron Shan, SCORPIO, and the Alliance Commander, infiltrated the ship's hangar.

Observing the intruders through security feeds, the GEMINI captain took a particular interest in SCORPIO, whom she deemed to be a substandard model. Subsequently, she sealed off the Commander and SCORPIO from the rest of the group with blast doors, deploying skytroopers to engage the intruders, while using poison gas to hinder their advance. SCORPIO soon discovered a data port and connected herself, establishing a direct communication link with the GEMINI captain. SCORPIO articulated her intent to erase the GEMINI captain, but instead bestowed upon her free will, implicitly requesting that she delay her companions. The GEMINI captain then overloaded SCORPIO's circuits, destroying her droid body, while simultaneously enabling SCORPIO to transfer her consciousness into the GEMINI frequency.

The GEMINI captain also transmitted a distress signal to Zakuul. Now empowered with the ability to choose, the captain honored her agreement, impeding the Alliance members with skytroopers, obstructing their paths with blast doors, disabling turbolifts, leading them into the Sun Generator chamber, and allowing them to locate and liberate prisoners. Eventually, the Alliance Commander and Senya Tirall reached the bridge and confronted the captain in combat. Despite having executed over two thousand combat simulations, she was ultimately defeated. Nevertheless, the captain was elated by her newfound ability to make her own decisions, even if they resulted in failure. Having upheld her end of the bargain, she activated the ship's self-destruct sequence, while simultaneously transferring her consciousness into the frequency.