Mission to Zakuul listening post

In the year 3630 BBY, a mission was undertaken that saw the Alliance working in conjunction with Havoc Squad. Their goal was to install a wiretap at a Knights of Zakuul listening post situated within the Endless Swamp of Zakuul. Major Aric Jorgan, frustrated by the perceived inaction of Galactic Republic politicians, led his squad in what could be considered an act of treason: initiating a private conflict with Zakuul. The Alliance, which stood in opposition to Eternal Emperor Arcann, formally offered their support. The Alliance Commander accompanied Havoc Squad for the majority of the mission, while other Alliance leaders orchestrated an ambush on Zakuulan forces to divert attention from the primary objective. The Commander and Jorgan successfully infiltrated the outpost, planted the wiretap, but their discovery forced them into a combat-filled escape. Xaban, a member of Havoc Squad, sustained injuries from skytrooper fire. However, the day was ultimately saved by Pashna Veyaad's Zakuulan exiles, who intervened against Eternal Empire reinforcements as a gesture of gratitude for prior assistance from Jorgan and Havoc. Following the mission, Havoc Squad remained on Zakuul, embedded with the rebels, while Jorgan journeyed to the Alliance base on Odessen to formally pledge his support to the Alliance leadership.


Back in 3630 BBY, the Alliance in opposition to Zakuul's Eternal Empire acquired the blueprints for the Spire during the Raid on the Overwatch. Theron Shan shared a portion of this data with Jonas Balkar, a former colleague from the Republic Strategic Information Service. Balkar then leaked this information to Republic Special Forces Division's Havoc Squad, under the command of Major Aric Jorgan. This intelligence motivated Jorgan and his squad to take an unauthorized leave from their official duties and embark on an unsanctioned mission to Zakuul, violating the Zakuul–Republic treaty. With the aim of wiretapping a Knights of Zakuul listening post to intercept Eternal Empire communications, Havoc Squad established a base camp in the Endless Swamp. Upon learning of this, Theron Shan convinced the Alliance Commander to travel to Zakuul and meet with Havoc Squad.

Havoc Squad prepares to settle in the refugees.

At the designated meeting location in the Endless Swamp, Theron Shan and the Alliance Commander approached Havoc Squad. Jorgan introduced his squad and explained the ongoing operation. Their meeting was disrupted when a probe discovered them, leading to an attack by Skytroopers supported by Eternal Empire Walkers. After repelling the initial assault, Jorgan instructed everyone to split into pairs, dispatching Dengril and Xaban to the north, Abbeth and Torg to the south, ordering Kanner to escort Theron Shan directly to their camp, while Jorgan partnered with the Alliance Commander to conceal their trail from the numerous and mobile skytroopers. Assuming a strategic vantage point, Jorgan eliminated several skytroopers through sniping before noticing civilians fleeing from them. Jorgan and the Commander rescued the Zakuulan exiles, who pleaded with them to prevent the skytroopers from burning their homes. After diverting to evacuate the civilians from their makeshift dwellings, Jorgan was approached by their leader, Pashna Veyaad. Reluctant to abandon the civilians, Jorgan radioed ahead, instructing Havoc to prepare their camp for the refugees' arrival, before clearing the path for them alongside the Commander. Safely back at the camp, Jorgan instructed Kanner to settle the refugees and advised everyone to rest.

The mission

Alliance forces provide the distraction.

The following morning, Jorgan outlined his plan to the Alliance, explaining that a successful wiretap installation required either a month of preparatory work or a significant distraction to divert the majority of the outpost's personnel. The Commander agreed to commit Alliance forces and contacted Alliance personnel on Odessen, who, along with Theron Shan, would provide the necessary distraction. Meanwhile, Havoc Squad and the Alliance Commander traveled to the listening post via shuttle, where the Commander signaled the Alliance forces to attack. In response to the enemy presence, many Knights of Zakuul rushed to their speeder bikes to join the battle, leaving the outpost with minimal defenses. While the rest of Havoc squad provided cover, Jorgan and the Alliance Commander disabled the outpost's security and successfully planted the wiretap.

Havoc Squad comes under fire.

However, their presence was soon detected, and Zakuulan forces rushed back to the outpost. Simultaneously, the diversion team faced their own challenges, unable to provide assistance as they were surrounded by numerous skytroopers and flanked by Zakuulan Knights. Jorgan and the Commander dealt with Battle Droid Atherna, while the rest of Havoc Squad retreated to their position, which came under intense fire. Confronted by a horde of skytroopers and witnessing Zakuulan shuttles deploying reinforcements behind them, Jorgan and the others prepared for a final stand. However, the Zakuulan exiles, led by Pashna Veyaad, arrived to assist, taking down several shuttles of reinforcements with missile launchers, allowing Havoc to eliminate the remaining enemy forces by collapsing the tunnel behind them with thermal detonators. Expressing their gratitude to Veyaad, Havoc Squad and the Alliance Commander returned to their camp.


With the mission a success, Jorgan voiced his desire to train the exiles into a capable resistance force. Leaving the remaining members of Havoc with the rebels on Zakuul, Jorgan then traveled to the Alliance base on Odessen, where he familiarized himself with the Alliance leadership before rejoining his squad. By cross-referencing the information from the listening post with the Spire schematics, SCORPIO uncovered the existence of the GEMINI frequency, the means by which Emperor Arcann controlled the Eternal Fleet. The Alliance subsequently planned an attack on the Hyperwave relay station concealed ten kilometers beneath the Spire, connecting the Eternal Throne to the Eternal Fleet, with Havoc Squad once again providing assistance on the mission.

Behind the scenes

This mission is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter XI: Disavowed, while the Alliance forces' distraction occurs almost entirely off-screen. If the player previously made Dark Side choices that led Koth Vortena to abandon the Alliance, he will not participate in the distraction team.

