In the year 3630 BBY, Aric Jorgan's Havoc Squad, accompanied by Kaliyo Djannis, were dispatched by the Alliance on a mission. Their objective was the hyperwave relay station, secretly located ten thousand meters below the Spire, the capital of Zakuul's Eternal Empire. This station was the sole origin point of the GEMINI frequency, which Emperor Arcann used to command the Eternal Fleet from the Eternal Throne. The mission, however, deviated from the initial plan. First, the Alliance Commander was unable to participate, and subsequently, the infiltration team found themselves surrounded by the enemy. Communication was lost, prompting a rescue attempt by the diversion team, but the Spire went into complete lockdown, preventing any external assistance. During their escape, four members of Havoc Squad perished, although Kaliyo and Jorgan managed to escape and return to the Alliance base on Odessen with a data archive pertaining to the GEMINI droids, preventing the mission from being a complete failure.
The year was 3630 BBY. Following the raid on the Overwatch, the Alliance, in opposition to the Eternal Empire, enlisted the services of the anarchist Kaliyo Djannis. Simultaneously, after the joint mission to Zakuul listening post, the Republic Special Forces Division Havoc Squad, under the leadership of Major Aric Jorgan, joined their ranks. SCORPIO discovered the existence of the GEMINI frequency by analyzing data obtained from both sources. This frequency was the means by which Emperor Arcann controlled the Eternal Fleet. The hyperwave relay station, situated ten kilometers beneath the Spire, the capital of Zakuul, was identified as the source of this frequency. Powered by two hundred reactors, the station transmitted signals between the Eternal Throne and thousands of Eternal Fleet warships throughout the galaxy. This presented the Alliance with a chance to deprive Arcann of his strategic advantage. The Alliance devised a plan to attack the station, dispatching Kaliyo and Jorgan's Havoc Squad to Zakuul to pave the way for the Alliance Commander to reach the relay station. Differing opinions arose among the Alliance leadership regarding the course of action upon reaching the station. Lana Beniko advocated for slicing the GEMINI frequency to gain insight into Arcann's strategies. Kaliyo aimed to seize control of it. Jorgan, on the other hand, sought to destroy it, thus severing Arcann's control over the Fleet. A diversion was needed to distract Arcann from their primary objective. The Commander had to choose between Kaliyo and Havoc Squad to spearhead the main attack, while the other group would focus on creating the diversion. Before the Commander could leave to lead them, Beniko suggested to contact Valkorion on how to best infiltrate the facility he had build, but unfortunately the Commander decided to do so in a secluded spot in Odessen wilderness, where Valkorion tested them for a prolonged period of time before the Commander could return to the Alliance base. With their intelligence becoming outdated with each passing moment, the Alliance was left with no alternative but to proceed with the mission, regardless of the Commander's absence.

Having successfully completed the diversion, the support team moved to provide assistance to the primary infiltration team. By the time the Commander returned, the infiltration team was only a few levels away from their objective. At that moment, the infiltration team was on the verge of being overwhelmed by a superior force, and then communication was lost. Disregarding the Commander's instructions, the diversion team initiated a rescue attempt. Subsequently, the Spire was placed under complete lockdown, with all transmissions being blocked, rendering any assistance from Odessen virtually impossible. A fierce firefight ensued, resulting in the deaths of four out of the six Havoc Squad members, forcing the survivors to retreat. Kaliyo managed to retrieve a datacore from a security console located just outside the relay station, preventing the mission from being a complete failure. She then returned to Odessen, accompanied by Jorgan and the bodies of his fallen comrades.
Back at the Alliance base on Odessen, Jorgan and Kaliyo engaged in a heated argument, with the Major holding Kaliyo responsible for the deaths of his men. The Alliance Commander, Lana Beniko, and Theron Shan arrived to greet them and learn the details of the mission. Kaliyo presented the data archive she had acquired, and Beniko instructed SCORPIO to analyze it, hoping to salvage something from the disastrous outcome. In light of their failure, Theron Shan suggested that the Commander confine both Kaliyo and Jorgan to the Alliance base for the time being. The analysis of the data core allowed SCOPRIO to determine that the GEMINI droids were all created from a single template, GEMINI Prime, in a factory on the Eternal Empire vassal world of Darvannis. To retrieve it, Theron Shan recruited the Mandalorians led by Mandalore the Avenger, who attacked the factory in a raid on Darvannis.

Although the final result remains the same, the mission can unfold in two different ways, depending on the player's choices. If the player chooses Kaliyo, she reaches sublevel four ahead of schedule and with acceptable collateral casualties, before running into a group of skytroopers three levels away from the relay station. Kalyio gets surrounded only thirty meters from the frequency computer, at which point Havoc Squad arrives blasting, forcing Kaliyo to implement her backup escape route by detonating a hospital. If the player selects Havoc Squad, they proceed towards the station while concealing their presence, only to be ambushed by a dozen Knights of Zakuul. Havoc manages to corner the Knights, at which point Kaliyo arrives and begins tossing thermal detonators, leading to the deaths of four Havoc members. If the player forbids Kaliyo or Jorgan from going to assist the other side, they later get an option to either kill or permanently exile the guilty party for disobeying a direct order, or forgive them, allowing them to remain with the Alliance.
Only four coffins are shown in the Alliance base, and Jorgan explicitly mentions losing four men, leading to the uncertainty regarding the identity of the other surviving Havoc Squad member. "Chapter XI: Disavowed" establishes that Jorgan's squad consists of Kanner, Dengril, Xaban, Abbeth and Torg. Only Kanner and Torg are explicitly shown alongside Jorgan in the cinematic, and none of the five appear or get mention by name following Jorgan's return to Odessen.