Eckard Lokin

Fixer Fifteen, more formally known as Eckard Lokin, was a male Human physician who served the rebuilt Sith Empire during the era of the Cold War.


Lokin in his rakghoul form

It is believed that Eckard Lokin was born on Dromund Kaas before the war. He studied medicine and biochemistry, becoming a scientific and medical advisor for the Kaas City military police. After earning his doctorate, he found himself on the Imperial dreadnaught Warhammer when the Great Galactic War erupted. He was one of only two people to avoid being captured when Republic soldiers boarded the ship. The Republic Strategic Information Service began tracking his activities during Operation: Red Cell, where he was first identified as Fixer Fifteen.

Lokin apparently held the former Imperial agent Keeper, who later became the Minister of Intelligence, in high regard, stating he had his eternal respect. Before the war, he was also a friend and technical advisor to Cipher Twelve, whom he met in the Old Guard prior to the agent's assassination. He shared an interest in Mirialan cuisine with Cipher Twelve, as he mentioned during a conversation with Cipher Nine during the war that began over a decade after the Treaty of Coruscant.

He gained notoriety for his extensive research into the Rakghoul plague. He even developed a unique strain, linked to his DNA, that gave him the ability to transform between Human and Rakghoul forms at will, all while maintaining his personality and intellect.

Cipher Nine encountered Lokin in Nasan Godera's laboratory on Taris. Lokin falsely claimed he was sent by Watcher Four to clean up and catalogue the lab's contents, while Cipher Nine was investigating a Jedi named Ki Sazen. They decided to combine their efforts. Cipher Nine eventually learned Sazen was after Nasan Godera's Ultrawave Transmitter, which she planned to use to control the rakghouls and create her own army. Since Sazen was also hunting Doctor Ianna Cel, Lokin offered to pose as Cel's assistant and be captured by Sazen. Once at the Ultrawave Transmitter, he signaled Cipher Nine. After Cipher Nine dealt with Sazen, the agent found a Rakghoul brutally killing some armed Nikto, which then transformed back into Doctor Lokin. He explained he had freed himself to examine Sazen's lab. After giving the Ultrawave Transmitter to Cipher Nine, he promised to explain his history in more detail once they regrouped at the Imperial Command Center.

Lokin revealed that he had been studying the Rakghouls for some time and that his true purpose on Taris was to analyze Sazen's stolen research. Lokin deduced that the agent was operating without official authorization, just like him. Recognizing that they both had secrets that could harm their careers in Imperial Intelligence, they agreed to form an alliance that would benefit them both. Lokin moved aboard the agent's ship and worked extensively in its medical bay, though he was officially semi-retired. While traveling with the agent, he gathered data on the Rakghoul plague and experimented on himself to advance his research.

Lokin examining a Rakghoul corpse aboard the Phantom

Agents from Project Protean were searching Lokin's safe houses to eliminate him because he was conducting his own research on the Rakghoul virus. During one such mission, one of their operatives and two genetically enhanced human agents were killed by the safe house's traps, dying in an explosion. This prompted Lokin to investigate, leading him to discover the project and their involvement in Vector's Joining. Consequently, he traveled with Hyllus to address the issue. Lokin and Vector attacked Project Protean's HQ and "interviewed" the woman in charge to get answers. Lokin learned why they wanted him dead and how his research was being used to further Project Protean. Vector had his files deleted and stopped further Killik experiments. In exchange for sparing their laboratory, Lokin took over as the new head of Project Protean.

During the Eternal Empire's Conquest, the Agent disappeared. Afterward, Lokin retired to a small plantation on Alderaan with his tamed rakghouls. He eventually became terminally ill from his rakghoul disease, until the Outlander came to his aid and recruited him into their Alliance, which was dedicated to ending the Eternal Throne's reign.

Behind the scenes

Eckard Lokin is a companion character for the Imperial Agent class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG. Later, as part of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, he became available as a companion for all classes. His voice is provided by Anthony Cochrane.

