The moniker Flamechasers was adopted by enthusiasts of the individual known as Firebrand.

During the year 3632 BBY, a radical anarchist, known as the Firebrand, made her presence known in the capital of the Eternal Empire on Zakuul, initiating a series of bombings targeting both civilian and military locations. For many Zakuulans, who had lived sheltered lives, these destructive actions were not viewed as acts of terrorism, but rather as an exciting spectacle. The Flamechasers group held Firebrand in high regard, closely following her activities, creating art inspired by her, and exchanging illicit holovids captured at the bombing locations. Some of the most devoted members even proudly displayed prominent facial scars, even though medical droids were capable of removing them at any point.
However, following the event known as the Rescue of the Outlander which occurred in 3632 BBY, and resulted in a widespread power outage throughout the city, the gravity of terrorism began to dawn on those who idolized Firebrand. The majority of them quietly sought procedures to remove their scars and return to their previous lives. Alianna Slen was one of the last to remain committed, providing Firebrand with intelligence on the Overwatch obtained from her father, Tayvor Slen, and assisting her in planting explosives throughout the city.