During the era of the Cold War, Voontara Fa'athra, a crime lord of the Hutt species, made his home in a palace situated within the Eastern Grime region of the planet Nal Hutta. While this palace included typical features of Hutt dwellings, such as a throne room, guest accommodations, and a beast pit, it differed from places like Nem'ro's Palace in that it lacked a cantina and was reserved exclusively for Fa'athra's men, making it unsuitable for entertaining guests.
Fa'athra's palace was well-defended by his forces during the Cold War; however, it experienced infiltration by several bounty hunters. Among these hunters was the individual who would later become the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, who carried out the killings of his rival Rarsk and the Republic scientist Albea within the depths of the structure. Furthermore, an agent working for the Sith Empire also managed to infiltrate the palace. The agent's objective was to obtain a holodisc which would be used to fabricate evidence implicating the Republic in the assassination of [Karrels Javis](/article/karrels_javis], a lieutenant serving under Suudaa Nem'ro. Using this holodisc, the agent successfully swayed Nem'ro to align himself with the Empire.