During the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War, a male Zabrak named Jomar Chul served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight. His expertise lay in the collection of intelligence and the successful infiltration of enemy territories.
Chul encountered the Hero of Tython on Tatooine in 3642 BBY, after his ship was shot down while he was surveying the Dromund system. Recognizing the Knight as the Hero of Tython, Chul expressed his gratitude for the assistance he received and then contacted Kel Dor Jedi Master Tol Braga. He informed Braga about the crash and his injuries. Braga instructed Chul to provide the Hero with the sensor logs he was transporting and to await the arrival of a medical shuttle.
Later, both Jomar and Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan felt significant apprehension regarding the plan devised by the Hero and Master Tol Braga to redeem the Sith Emperor. Jomar revealed that during a healing meditation, he experienced a vision of the Hero succumbing to the dark side, and he adamantly argued against the Hero joining Braga's team. Braga dismissed his concerns, asserting that the future remains fluid and that the Council does not judge based on visions. The Jedi Council decided to approve the mission, leading to Jomar's frustrated departure, upset that his warnings were ignored.
After Braga's team failed to return, Jomar initiated a search for evidence to support the validity of his vision. His investigation led him to infiltrate Korriban's Flame, a space station where prominent Sith Lords were convening. However, he was captured by Leeha Narezz, who had accompanied Master Braga and had been brainwashed by the Emperor to serve him. When the Hero arrived to rescue Jomar, Narezz began to mock Chul about their secret relationship when the Zabrak begged the Hero not to harm Narezz. After Narezz was beaten and cried out in fear, Chul pulled his lover gently to her feet and quietly asked the Knight not to reveal their relationship to the Council before warning his fellow Jedi that he had overheard Narezz giving orders to a Sith Lord named Fulminiss on the planet Voss.