Darth Rivix

Darth Rivix, a Sith Lord belonging to the humanoid male species, served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the renewed conflict against the Galactic Republic. His initial rise to prominence stemmed from his dedicated work within the Imperial Diplomatic Service. In the year 3626 BBY, subsequent to the battle fought over Corellia, Emperor Darth Vowrawn selected him to be the liaison for the Hand of the Empire, a role that many influential Sith sought after.


Darth Rivix

Information regarding Darth Rivix's early life and background before his involvement with the Imperial Diplomatic Service remained shrouded in mystery, with investigations often yielding no concrete results. Even direct inquiries to Rivix himself regarding his past seemed to generate more questions than answers. The perception of his inclinations and viewpoints appeared to vary based on the individual providing the account.

Those who collaborated with Rivix within the Diplomatic Service recalled him as a committed, captivating figure, consistently delivering exceptional performance. Consequently, his selection to lead the newly established Hand of the Empire came as no surprise to those familiar with his work.

Despite competition from other powerful Sith for the position, the appointment of Rivix as the Hand's liaison to the Eternal Alliance was well-received by many within the Empire, owing to Rivix's unparalleled organizational and networking capabilities, notwithstanding his reputation for secrecy.

Personality and traits

Darth Rivix was a male humanoid character who had medium-length black hair, red skin and orange eyes. He was typically seen wearing black and red robes along with shoulder armor and armored gloves.

Darth Rivix had a very appealing demeanor and could effortlessly persuade many of those he interacted with to develop a fondness for him, even without fully understanding why. His perspectives and preferences seemed to adapt depending on the individual he was conversing with. Following an encounter with him, Vector Hyllus suspected an unusual and unnatural aspect to his capacity for charm. Darth Rivix was also known for being exceptionally secretive, with no verifiable details available about his life prior to his involvement in the Imperial Diplomatic Service. Those who probed into his origins frequently found themselves with more uncertainties than certainties. Furthermore, Rivix was recognized for his outstanding organizational and networking abilities.

Behind the scenes

Imperial story

Within the Imperial narrative, Darth Rivix journeyed to Odessen accompanied by a small task force, establishing initial contact with the Commander through a hologram and expressing his desire for a face-to-face discussion. Rivix's shuttle landed in the hangar, where the Commander welcomed him. Rivix conveyed his purpose of assisting the Commander in their missions and relaying their accomplishments to either Empress Acina or Emperor Vowrawn, contingent on the player's prior decisions, while also delivering the Empress or Emperor's directives to the Commander. He requested a tour of the base before the pair discussed their business in the operations room.

Following his integration, Rivix joined the Commander and Darth Krovos on a journey to the Dantooine Jedi Enclave to investigate the whereabouts of Darth Malgus. Upon their return from the mission, Darth Rivix reported their findings to the Sith Empress or Emperor.

Following the Invasion of Manaan, Rivix will accompany the Commander and Lana Beniko to the ruins of the Temple of Nul on Elom and participate in the defeat and arrest of Malgus.

Rivix later explored a ruin connected to Darth Nul with Lord Sovu and tricked him into triggering the ruin's deadly trap, after which he executed him. Before he could retrieve the lightsaber piece at the center of the ruin, he was confronted by Tau Idair. Depending on which faction the player is aligned with, Rivix either escapes with the artifact or allows Idair to have it.

Gameplay choices

Regardless of their gender, the player has the opportunity to flirt with him. Depending on whether the player is an Imperial loyalist or saboteur and rejoined the Empire or kept the Alliance independent after the battle on Corellia, Rivix's dialogue will differ between the individual characters:

  • If the player is a Sith Warrior and has rejoined the Empire, Rivix will refer to them as Lord Wrath. He will present the player with a decision regarding whether to enhance the training of the Hand's forces or to coordinate training alongside Alliance troops. A saboteur Warrior has the option to inform Rivix that the Hand's troops do not require any additional training. [1]
  • If the player is a Sith Inquisitor and has rejoined the Empire, Rivix will address the player by the Sith title conferred upon them by Darth Marr at the conclusion of their respective Chapter 3, namely Darth Nox/Imperius/Occlus. He will report that, in accordance with their agreement with either Empress Acina or Emperor Vowrawn, their former possessions as a member of the Dark Council will be reinstated, including the Imperial Reclamation Service and Moff Pyron's Silencer fleet. However, he will inform the player that Darth Krovos is currently utilizing the fleet on the front lines, and he will inquire whether they wish for the fleet to remain in its current deployment or be immediately returned to Odessen. A saboteur Inquisitor can express dissatisfaction with the Silencer fleet's performance and tell Rivix to keep them in maintenance indefinitely. [1]
  • If the player is an Imperial Agent and has rejoined the Empire, Rivix will address them as Keeper. He will inform the player that Darth Xarion was surprisingly agreeable to the player being granted command over covert operations and some of the new members were secretly Xarion's personal spies. Rivix will ask whether they should be kept on surveillance or killed. A saboteur Agent can suggest reporting Xarion to Acina/Vowrawn. [1]
  • If the player is a Bounty Hunter and has rejoined the Empire, Rivix will address the player as Hunter. He will subsequently inquire about the prioritization of the Hand's additional bounty hunters, asking whether they should target Republic personnel, senators, and military officials, or Imperial traitors and failed Sith. A saboteur Hunter can tell Rivix to dismiss the other bounty hunters and let Alliance personnel deal with the targets. [1]
  • If the player character has maintained the Alliance's independence, Rivix will address the player character as "Commander". [1]

