Valion Pyron, a male Human, held the rank of Moff within the re-emergent Sith Empire and served as an accomplice to Darth Nox amidst the Galactic War.
During the early stages of the revived Sith Empire, Valion Pyron distinguished himself as one of the youngest officers to attain the position of Moff. Initially, he believed his role as a soldier was to remain uninvolved in Sith internal conflicts. He passionately pursued the development of the Silencer, a superweapon capable of obliterating an entire fleet with its immense laser.
Circumstances compelled Pyron to reconsider his stance on Sith politics when Darth Thanaton abruptly terminated his cherished Silencer project. Thanaton began to advocate for the supremacy of the Force and ancient Sith customs in warfare, a viewpoint that Pyron felt hindered the Empire's ability to decisively defeat the Republic. Consequently, Pyron sought out new allies, making contact with Lord Kallig, a prominent Sith Inquisitor and a rival of Thanaton. Pyron saw Kallig as a more suitable leader to guide the Empire through the Galactic War against the Republic. Kallig consented to retrieve the CN-12 chip, the final technological component required for the Silencer's completion, enlisting the assistance of the Cult of the Screaming Blade, Kallig's agents on Nar Shaddaa. The completed Silencer was installed on the Doombringer, an Imperial battleship. Once operational, Pyron summoned Lord Kallig, along with fellow Moffs Dolus and Graham, and various high-ranking officers, to witness its destructive capabilities against a small Republic fleet. Following the successful test, and Kallig's promise that all commanders present would receive Silencers for their forces, they all pledged to support Kallig in his conflict with Thanaton.
Soon after, Thanaton initiated a Kaggath against Kallig on Corellia, broadcasting it across the HoloNet. Pyron offered his support to Kallig, even amidst the ongoing war with the Republic. Meeting with Kallig in the Incorporation Islands, he informed his ally that Thanaton had severed transportation via rocket trams in the area. He proposed seeking assistance from Darth Charnus to resolve the problem. Furthermore, he alerted Kallig to the presence of Thanaton's apprentice, Lord Skar, in the vicinity, advising his capture and interrogation to uncover Thanaton's plans. Later, Kallig informed Pyron of Thanaton's intention to destroy the fuel refinery in Labor Valley, which was intended to refuel their arriving fleet. Appalled that Thanaton would destroy allied resources, Pyron urged immediate action to save the refinery, arguing that a Sith who could not protect their own resources would be held in contempt.
Following the successful defense of the refinery, Kallig sought to bring the full force of the fleet against Thanaton. Pyron revealed the location of Thanaton's base of operations in Axial Park, a former Republic stronghold whose change in allegiance was known to few. However, the base was protected by a powerful shield generator, necessitating a strike team to breach it. Pyron lacked capable troops but suggested that a base within Axial Park might prove useful.
Shortly after the destruction of the base, the Republic, perceiving Kallig as a threat, launched an assault on Pyron's base in The Government sector, resulting in significant casualties and damage. Pyron then noticed that Thanaton had vanished. Subsequently, his base received a holotransmission from Thanaton, mocking Kallig and inviting him to a final confrontation in the government plaza.
Ultimately, Thanaton fled to Korriban to seek the aid of the Dark Council. Kallig pursued him, defeated him, and assumed his seat on the Council as Darth Nox. Upon returning to Dromund Kaas, Pyron was among those who pledged allegiance to the new Dark Lord of the Sith.
Later in the Galactic War, Pyron learned from Nox's apprentice, Ashara Zavros, that the Order of Revan had infiltrated the Empire, prompting the Moff to launch a discreet investigation for potential spies. He later contacted Nox via holo, updating the Sith on his investigation and the progress of the war, including the Republic's adaptation to the Silencers. Finally, he brought up Lord Veijel, a favorite of Thanaton's, who was on Rishi. Darth Nox, intrigued by Veijel's plan to achieve immortality, agreed to provide him with resources for his quest. The Moff was contacted and promptly dispatched the fleets and scientists Nox had requested to explore the Rishi Maze.
Following the war of conquest by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, Moff Pyron and his fleet vanished, presumed to have sought refuge from the onslaught of the Eternal Fleet. He resurfaced later during the renewed war against the Galactic Republic, commanding the Sith Empire's Silencer fleet against the Republic above Corellia during the Meridian Complex assault.