Darth Charnus

Darth Charnus, a male Human Sith Lord, served in the resurgent Sith Empire. He held the position of right-hand to Darth Decimus, a Dark Council member who oversaw the Sphere of Military Strategy.


In 3643 BBY, during the period known as the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Darth Charnus, along with his apprentice, Emic Sandor, dedicated himself to eradicating the Order of Revan.

When the Galactic War commenced, Charnus participated in the Battle of Corellia, assisting in the suppression of the Corellian resistance. The Sith forces deployed a unique dreadnought. This vessel was constructed from the Centurion-class battlecruiser named Tears of Taris, which had been involved in the bombardment of Taris and was named in remembrance of that event. After that event, it became part of the Sith Empire's fleet for the next 300 years, and it also utilized components from the Harrower series of ships.

Personality and traits

Charnus was known for his courteous and polished demeanor. While not particularly cunning, he made up for it with extreme cruelty. His capacity for viciousness was notable, even by Sith standards, especially when he was interrogating defenseless captives.

Powers and abilities

Charnus possessed a natural skill for extracting information, which led to his frequent assignment to investigate clandestine organizations and societies within the Sith who sought the Empire's demise. His methods proved highly effective, and his success in identifying and eliminating traitors played a significant role in his rise to a prominent position among the Sith. Although many innocent people were harmed by his actions, he consistently managed to keep any collateral damage from his investigations within acceptable parameters.


Darth Charnus was equipped with a Sith amulet and a lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Darth Charnus made his debut in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed in 2011 by BioWare in collaboration with LucasArts. His existence was initially referenced in the Imperial mission titled "Initiation," which formed part of the planetary story arc on Dromund Kaas. Later, he appeared as a key character in the initial segment of the Imperial planetary story arc set on Corellia.

During the Dromund Kaas planetary story arc's conclusion, player characters are presented with a choice: if aligned with the dark side, they can reveal Tari Darkspanner as the leader of the Order of Revan to Sandor; alternatively, if aligned with the light side, they can present Darth Charnus' stolen amulet to Sandor, falsely implicating him as a Revanite.

