Testing of the Silencer

During the Galactic War, the new Silencer superweapon was tested amidst a clash in space. This battle involved the Republic Navy and a solitary Sith Empire dreadnought.


Moff Valion Pyron harbored ambitions during the Galactic War to finalize the Silencer project, a powerful laser intended to eradicate entire fleets. After Darth Thanaton, obsessed with the supremacy of the Force, cancelled the project, Pyron sought new partnerships. He contacted Thanaton's rival, Lord Kallig. Pyron requested Kallig to procure the CN-12 sensor chip, essential for the project's completion. The Sith Lord obtained it via contacts on Nar Shaddaa. Pyron thanked his new ally and promised to finish the project, which would support Kallig's conflict with Thanaton.

Upon completion, the Silencer superlaser was installed on the Harrower-class dreadnought named Doombringer. Pyron invited Kallig to witness its initial testing, alongside fellow Moffs Dolus and Graham, and other Imperial officers. Kallig arrived at the Doombringer aboard his personal ship, and the Doombringer then engaged its hyperspace drive.

The Battle

Pyron informed the assembled group that the Silencer was intended to target a small Republic fleet. However, upon exiting hyperspace, they discovered their target already engaged in combat with a lone Imperial warship. As the Silencer was being prepared, the Doombringer received a distress signal. The signal identified the other ship as Darth Achelon's Carnage, requesting immediate assistance. The situation was complicated by Achelon's alliance with Thanaton and the Carnage's position within the Silencer's firing range. Moff Graham advocated for firing the Silencer regardless, effectively betraying Achelon through an act of treason. Pyron countered that the Republic ships would destroy the Carnage regardless, and inaction or intervention would doom them as well. Ultimately, Kallig, as the only Sith present and thus holding the highest authority, made the decision. The Silencer was fired, obliterating the entire Republic force.


Impressed by the Silencer's destructive capabilities, the Moffs pledged allegiance to Kallig. In return, Kallig tasked Pyron with providing each Moff's capital ship with a Silencer. Kallig then departed for Corellia, the location of their Kaggath against Thanaton.

Behind the scenes

The player has the option of allowing the Republic to destroy the Carnage before firing the Silencer, ordering an immediate firing that destroys the Carnage in the blast, or allowing Darth Achelon time to retreat to safety. In the latter scenario, Achelon demonstrates his gratitude by refraining from attacking Kallig and later defying Thanaton's orders to do so on Corellia.

