Caicos was a Human individual (identified as male) who held a position on the Corellian Council during the era of the Galactic War.
Born into affluence, Caicos experienced a childhood of privilege, yet always desired more. He squandered his family's substantial credits through a string of unsuccessful business ventures, leading him to seek loans from entities like the Hutt Cartel and other figures in the criminal underworld, including the Voidwolf. By exploiting the lenient laws of Corellia, he navigated the blurred lines between a crime lord and a legitimate entrepreneur, significantly increasing his wealth and securing a seat on the Corellian Council. When the Empire decided to seize Corellia, the Voidwolf contacted Caicos for assistance. He readily used bribery, blackmail, and threats to manipulate his fellow council members into surrendering Corellia to the Empire.
Later, during the battle of Corellia, the exposure of the council's treachery forced Caicos into hiding within his residence. He was then relegated to communicating with his allies via holographic transmissions.
When Darmas Pollaran, an Imperial agent working undercover, was unmasked by the Voidhound, he sought refuge at Caicos' droid factory, which had been converted into a field hospital, with the intention of undergoing surgery to alter his identity. Caicos proposed that he assume control of the Voidwolf's schemes, but Pollaran reminded him that a publicly known enemy could not gain allies within the galactic underworld. Their discussion was disrupted by the arrival of the Voidhound, and Caicos attempted to alert the factory's security personnel, but they were preoccupied with the ongoing conflict with the Republic.
After the Voidhound apprehended Pollaran and Senator Bevera Dodonna, he pursued Caicos, successfully disabling the security systems surrounding his estate before persuading his guard captain to grant him entry. Upon being confronted by the smuggler, Caicos tried to bribe him into working directly for the Voidwolf, but his offer was rejected. In response, Caicos called for his guards while attempting to escape, intending to reach his shuttle that would take him to the Voidwolf's flagship, the Regnant. However, he was unsuccessful, and the Voidhound discovered him hiding behind crates after subduing his guards. Fearing for his life, Caicos relinquished the access codes to his shuttle and security systems on the Regnant in exchange for his survival. The Voidhound accepted his offer and instructed him to face the judgment of the Corellian people.