Bevera Dodonna

Bevera Dodonna was a Human female senator, representing Commenor in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. Her tenure occurred during both the Cold War and the Galactic War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. Despite appearing outwardly virtuous, she accepted a bribe from the Imperial Agent Darmas Pollaran, who promised her a planet in exchange for her assistance in the Voidwolf's scheme to overthrow the Republic.


Born into the affluent Dodonna family of Commenor, Bevera Dodonna, a Human female, faced significant expectations. As a rebellious adolescent, Dodonna eventually entered the political arena, achieving early successes that fueled her ambition. Upon being appointed to the Commenor delegation in the Galactic Republic Senate, her numerous fiancées were a frequent topic of gossip among her colleagues. Recognizing that being a single woman offered her greater political leverage, she strategically exploited this advantage.

Known for her fierce negotiating skills and diplomatic prowess, Dodonna earned the nickname Shimmersteel from her Senate peers, a testament to her unwavering resolve. Actively involved throughout the Great Galactic War, Dodonna experienced a decline in her political standing as the Cold War took hold. Appointed as the Undersecretary of the Senate Security Council, Dodonna felt deeply threatened by the appointment of Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh, perceiving her success as a rival single woman. Despite her envy, Dodonna initiated a program to legitimize underworld privateers, employing them against the Empire as the Galactic War unfolded.

Notwithstanding her ostensibly noble intentions, Dodonna's loyalty to the Republic wavered when she accepted a bribe from Darmas Pollaran, an undercover Imperial Agent. In exchange for political recognition, Dodonna agreed to collaborate with Pollaran and his superior, codenamed Voidwolf, to dismantle the Republic. However, Rogun the Butcher, a crime lord sympathetic to the Republic, discovered their alliance and imprisoned both Dodonna and Pollaran on Port Nowhere. They were subsequently freed by the smuggler later known as the Voidhound, a rival of Rogun. Claiming that Rogun was a servant of the Voidwolf, Dodonna recruited the Voidhound as a privateer, ostensibly working for the Republic, but unknowingly aiding the Voidwolf.

Following another attack on Nar Shaddaa by one of Rogun's bounty hunters, during which she was again rescued by the Voidhound, Dodonna resolved to eliminate the Butcher. She dispatched the smuggler back to Port Nowhere to consult with Pollaran on how to achieve this. Pollaran pointed out that Rogun's bounty hunter was accompanied by ssorokks indigenous to Voss. Dodonna added that the presence of Vossian fauna, which was not authorized for trade, indicated Rogun's involvement in smuggling. While Dodonna worked to secure a permit for the Voidhound to visit Voss, the latter tracked down Rogun's mentor Ivory on Belsavis to uncover the locations of Rogun's safehouses.

The Empire rewarded Dodonna's betrayal with a prison garb and a shock collar.

Nevertheless, her association with the Voidwolf and the Empire proved disastrous, leading Dodonna to realize the extent of her ruin after being sent to Corellia. The Voidhound survived the Voidwolf's ambush and apprehended Pollaran, who provided evidence implicating Dodonna, forcing her to seek refuge in the Museum of Alien History, then a POW camp, in Axial Park. The Voidwolf then abandoned her once her exposure was eminent. The Senator was then stripped of her dignity as she was forced to labour in humiliation.

When confronted by the Voidhound, she expressed remorse for her actions and her ultimate betrayal of the Republic. Offering her assistance in locating the Voidwolf, she sought revenge for his abandonment. She revealed the Voidwolf's plan to assemble a massive pirate fleet to attack the Republic's main shipyards. Although she begged the smuggler to release her and promised to hand over the files, the Voidhound instead persuaded her to accept responsibility for her crimes. Subsequently, Republic forces took the disgraced Senator into custody.

Behind the scenes

A male Smuggler can pursue a romantic relationship with Dodonna. Her storyline can conclude with her death, release, or arrest.

