
Ivory, a male Rattataki from the Legends continuity, held the position of crime lord. He also served as a mentor to Rogun the Butcher during the time of the Cold War. The Galactic Republic had him incarcerated on Belsavis for trafficking children to the Hutts. While attempting an escape from Belsavis, Dust, Rogun the Butcher's most skilled bounty hunter, tried to assassinate him.


Ivory established his criminal organization by using diplomacy, bribery, and coercion to dominate smaller gangs. At the height of his influence, he was known among criminals as the "Supreme Chancellor of the Underworld." He maintained a respectful rivalry with both Nok Drayen and Diago Hixan, even negotiating a mutually beneficial truce with them despite their own conflicts. When the Galactic Republic finally apprehended and imprisoned Ivory on Belsavis, his criminal empire was inherited by his protégé, Rogun the Butcher. It is rumored that Rogun himself orchestrated Ivory's capture.

By the year 3641 BBY, Ivory succeeded in locating a Rakata transmitter, which he then used to reveal the location of Belsavis to the Sith Empire. While the Imperials were busy organizing a large-scale prison break, Ivory discovered a natural tunnel next to his cell, allowing him to escape and begin recruiting his loyal followers who were also imprisoned.

Shortly after Ivory's escape, a smuggler who would later be known as the Voidhound was dispatched by Senator Bevera Dodonna with the mission of freeing Ivory from his cell in the Minimum Security Section. However, the captain discovered that Ivory had already broken free and attempted to extract information from one of his imprisoned accomplices, Sraja, regarding Ivory's whereabouts. Unfortunately, Dust, an assassin dispatched by Rogun the Butcher, the smuggler's adversary, eliminated Sraja before she could provide any useful details. After defeating Dust and a corrupt Republic officer named Legat, the captain contacted Marshall Kay Cavarat, who informed the smuggler that Ivory was heading towards Cell 2018 in the Maximum Security Section. Upon arriving at Cell 2018, the captain encountered Ivory's henchmen, Squarg and Buzz, who were in the process of freeing Agrular the Mad. Ivory, observing via hologram, dismissed the captain's offer for better prison conditions, boasting that he was searching for Rakata secrets within the prison to facilitate his escape from the planet. He then ordered his thugs to attack and terminated the communication. The Voidhound managed to survive by manipulating the two into fighting each other before eliminating them and then killing Argular.

Eventually, Ivory reached the Tomb, intending to seize control of a Rakata starship to leave the planet. Ivory successfully reached the starship's hangar, sacrificing his entire gang to the ancient guard droids in the process. As soon as he activated the ship, he detected the approach of the Voidhound and his companion and managed to capture them. However, the three were then confronted by Rogun's most skilled and seemingly immortal bounty hunter, Dust, who had been sent to assassinate Ivory. Trapped, Ivory and the Voidhound formed an alliance. Ivory also revealed the locations of Rogun's safehouses, just before detonating hidden explosives and catching the bounty hunter off guard, seemingly killing him. Ivory then proposed to assist the Voidhound in taking over Rogun's empire in exchange for his escape.

However, the Voidhound instructed him to return to his cell, promising that Rogun would soon join him there. Reluctantly accepting this, Ivory agreed to return to his cell. The Voidhound then contacted their handler, Republic Marshall Kay Cavarat, who contacted General [Skylast] to dispatch troops to apprehend Ivory, who subsequently disclosed all the information he possessed.

Behind the scenes

Ivory aboard the smuggler's ship

If the smuggler chooses the Dark Side path, they can smuggle Ivory off Belsavis and has the choice to either let him leave on his own as Voidhound's new subordinate or instruct him to remain on the ship where smuggler's companions could closely monitor him. In the latter scenario, Ivory stays on the smuggler's ship until the conclusion of the class story, at which point he either pledges allegiance as the player's lieutenant or, if the Voidhound firmly aligns with the Republic, departs from the ship.

