Eclipse (Harrower-class)

The Eclipse, a Harrower-class dreadnought of the re-established Sith Empire, participated in the Battle of Corellia around 3640 BBY. The Jedi Master Tol Braga, who had succumbed to corruption, tried to explode the warship's power plants over the Government District of Coronet City; however, the Jedi Knight called the Hero of Tython intervened, halting Braga's plot and shutting down the engines.

Behind the scenes

The Eclipse is featured in the Jedi Knight class quest "Mutual Assured Destruction," and all classes can see it on top of a Capitol Square structure. Before Star Wars: The Old Republic's Game Update 2.0, the Eclipse was incorrectly shown as a sizable Imperial military transport with different proportions, but the holo-image of the ship during the "Mutual Assured Destruction" mission accurately displayed a Harrower-class dreadnought connected to a docking pylon.

