Imperial military transport

A specific class of military transport was employed by the Imperial Military of the re-established Sith Empire throughout the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the Galactic War against the Galactic Republic. Characterized by a dual-wing design, this craft fulfilled multiple functions, acting as a troop deployment vehicle, a bombing platform, and a general transport. This particular design saw action during the Sacking of Coruscant in 3653 BBY. In that conflict, it executed strafing attacks against the Jedi Temple, ultimately leaving it in ruins. Later, during the Cold War, the Republic special forces unit, Havoc Squad, located one of these Empire-operated transports in a secluded canyon within the eastern Jundland Wastes. It was believed to be transporting an agent of the Republic Strategic Information Service. Havoc Squad managed to rescue the operative, and subsequently destroyed the transport.

