
Marclonus: A Twi'lek male who achieved the rank of colonel within the Galactic Republic's Fourth Infantry. Prior to his military service, he endured a decade-long enslavement under a Hutt, during which he was compelled to wear a device that delivered electric shocks. During the conflict known as the Battle of Corellia, he found himself positioned within the Government District. His assignment was to ensure the Republic maintained control over the western portion of the Records and Communication Sector. A devastating ambush by the Imperial Guard resulted in the abduction of numerous officers who were not human. Enraged by the fact that his soldiers were forced to wear shock collars, Marclonus sought assistance from a celebrated figure of the Republic, after his superior declined to provide reinforcements. Acting upon Marclonus's plea, the hero launched an assault on the Imperial Guards and their shocktroopers, successfully liberating the imprisoned officers and expelling the Empire from the designated area.

