Tactical Response Team

Tactical Response Team SWTOR A commando of the Tactical Response Team.

The TRT, or Tactical Response Team, represented an elite group of commando-pilots within CorSec, sharing similarities with what would become Rogue Squadron in the future.


The Tactical Response Team functioned as an elite paramilitary force, drawing its members from the most proficient individuals within the Corellian Security Force. This team was a diverse combination of commandos, pilots, and investigators, all receiving training in both law enforcement and military strategies. Unlike the majority of CorSec personnel, their operations extended across the entire Corellian system, and they actively worked alongside local military and police units. TRT operatives were typically assigned to the most challenging assignments for CorSec, including missions to penetrate criminal organizations or pursue space-based pirates.

Members of the Tactical Response Team commonly wore durable flight suits. They were armed with blaster carbines, heavy blaster pistols, vibroknives, and comlinks.


Major Walden can be seen in action as a member of the Tactical Response Team.

During the Galactic War, specifically in the Battle of Corellia between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Tactical Response Team engaged Imperial forces alongside Republic soldiers within the Government District of Coronet City. A TRT unit suffered complete elimination at CorSec Headquarters during this conflict, as they attempted to shield Commissioner Jonah Carter from an Imperial bounty hunter.

Major Alana Walden served as a Tactical Response Team member during the era of the Galactic Civil War. In the year 5 ABY, the CorSec Tactical Response Team became a source of inspiration for the New Republic's revamped Rogue Squadron.

