A Human Jedi Master of the male persuasion, Bedoch dedicated his service to both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during the period known as the Cold War against the Sith Empire. As a member of the Corellian Jedi sect within the Order, Bedoch was well-known for his deep-seated patriotism, balanced by an equally powerful paranoia. Consumed by constant fears of an impending apocalypse, he interpreted the Battle of Corellia as the fulfillment of his dark premonitions, leading him to entrench himself within the Republic Foundation Museum, where his life ultimately came to an end.

Being a Force-sensitive individual from Corellia, Bedoch underwent training by the Jedi Order to master the Force. He eventually achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Master around the time of the Cold War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the [Sith Empire](/article/sith_empire_(post%e2%80%93great_hyperspace_war)]. Like many Jedi who hailed from Corellia, Bedoch harbored an intense love for his home planet and actively participated in the Corellian Jedi sect, dedicating himself to missions that directly impacted the planet and its inhabitants. Esteemed both within the wider Order and among the "Green" Jedi of Corellia, Bedoch found himself on his homeworld during the invasion by the Empire. While fighting with great courage, Bedoch interpreted the Empire's arrival and the subsequent occupation as a harbinger of Corellia's doom. Choosing not to surrender or seek refuge at the Jedi Enclave alongside his fellow Jedi, Bedoch instead sought sanctuary in the Republic Foundation Museum with the intention of preserving Corellia's historical artifacts.
He declared the Imperials a disease that required eradication and staunchly refused to vacate the Museum when an Imperial strike team was dispatched to apprehend him. Standing in defiance of the Empire, and lacking support from the Jedi at the Enclave, Bedoch was left to defend the Museum's halls alone. He bravely confronted the strike team, wielding his lightsaber with skill, but was ultimately overwhelmed by their superior numbers and killed. Upon searching his body, the Imperial team discovered Bedoch's personal access codes for the Jedi Enclave, which allowed them to infiltrate the location without triggering any security alarms.
As with most Jedi, Bedoch received instruction in the art of lightsaber combat, and demonstrated great skill after his promotion to Master. During the Cold War era, Bedoch was known to wield a double-bladed lightsaber that projected emerald-colored blades.