The Green Jedi Enclave was a strongly defended ziggurat-shaped building located within Coronet City on the world of Corellia.
The Coronet City Enclave served as the headquarters for the Green Jedi on Corellia. This group was a peaceful branch of the Jedi Order that did not follow the rules set by the Jedi Council. A governing body, known as the administrative council, was in charge of all Jedi activities on Corellia and held their meetings inside the Enclave. After the Great Galactic War and the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by the newly formed Sith Empire, the Enclave was strengthened with strong shields. These shields were powered by reactors inside the building to protect it from any attacks.
During the Cold War, the Sith Empire invaded Corellia and made the Green Jedi Enclave their primary target, but initial attempts to destroy it completely failed. The shields worked as planned, protecting the structure from the first attack and allowing the Jedi inside to set up defensive cannons. Consequently, a Sith warship that had been sent to obliterate the Enclave was blown apart above the planet. A large portion of the destroyed ship crashed into the Enclave, but this did not cause significant damage or weaken the structure in any meaningful way. As a result, the Green Jedi Enclave became a constant reminder of the Empire's setback, despite their successful invasion of the planet. Arfan Ramos, the leader of the Enclave, quickly joined forces with the resistance, and the Green Jedi began to assist their fellow Corellians in fighting against the Empire.

As the conflict escalated, Jedi Battlemaster Jun Seros attempted to reinforce the Enclave by positioning the Jedi under his command in the Green Gardens located in front of the building, but he was killed by a skilled bounty hunter. Following Seros's death, Darth Decimus himself led an elite group of Sith and Imperial soldiers in an attack on the Enclave. After his agents defeated a team of Republic commandos and the Jedi Master Bedoch at the Republic Foundation Museum to obtain the Enclave's access codes, Decimus's forces, along with a team of Imperial Guards led by General Hesker, stormed the building and engaged in a fierce battle against the Green Jedi inside. Within the Enclave, the Sith forces killed Master Arfan Ramos and the other members of the Green Jedi Council during a battle in the Council's chamber. Additionally, Decimus's agents eliminated Darbin Sull because he was no longer useful. After seizing the Green Jedi Enclave, the Imperials established a military base inside the structure, but the Republic deployed stealth troopers in an attempt to drive out the invaders. The Imperial tech specialist Shon discovered that the Republic was using a very advanced cloaking technology, but he was able to modify a stealth field generator to interfere with other fields. As a result, the Imperial forces were able to remove the stealth troopers' advantage, creating a more even playing field and allowing the larger Imperial force to secure their control over the Enclave.
During the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Empire constructed an Imperial liaison office for the Corellian Security Force on top of what remained of the former Enclave.