The Jedi Archives, situated inside the Jedi Temple on Tython, came into being during the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. This establishment followed the Jedi Order's return to their original homeworld.
After the destruction that befell the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Jedi High Council gave the order for a new headquarters to be built on Tython, their ancestral planet. During the three year construction of the Temple, the High Council charged Lore Keeper Gnost-Dural with the significant task of creating a collection of records for the Archives. These records were to thoroughly document the history of the Great Galactic War, specifically the conflict involving the Order and their adversaries, the Sith Empire. Master Dural's report to the Council contained nineteen records, all of which were subsequently integrated into the new Archives.
The Jedi Archives, a sizable domed room located on the second level of the Jedi Temple's southeast cupola, featured twelve three-tiered stacks that extended upwards to the rotunda's ceiling. Each of the stacks that encircled the room displayed a holocron suspended within a repulsor field in front of it. Although smaller compared to the expansive hall that once existed on Coruscant, the open area in the chamber's center functioned as a study space for scholars, furnished with five elongated tables positioned at regular intervals throughout the room.