A Lore Keeper was a general term used to describe a Jedi Knight who had embraced the philosophy leading to the title of Jedi Consular within the structure of the Jedi Order. Composed of individuals such as archivists, historians, and librarians, these Lore Keepers were responsible for maintaining the knowledge repositories that enabled the Order to evolve and gain insights, drawing upon the wisdom of Jedi Masters from bygone eras, while also incorporating knowledge from the scholars of the future.
As one of the most ancient roles within the Jedi Order, the first Lore Keepers served on Tython prior to the establishment of the Galactic Republic. Serving as custodians of the knowledge accumulated by Jedi High Council member Rajivari, the Lore Keepers were tasked with the upkeep of the first iteration of the Jedi Archives; known as the Fount of Rajivari. As the Order expanded and relocated to places like Ossus, the Lore Keeper role became more clearly defined. Organized into three distinct functions within the Order, Lore Keepers could be found at Jedi facilities on planets such as Coruscant, Telos IV, Kamparas, and Obroa-skai. Forming the Librarian's Assembly at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, they managed the operations of the Jedi Archives and reported directly to the Council of First Knowledge. The head of the Order's Educational Corps was the Chief Librarian, who oversaw the Archives and safeguarded its knowledge. Provided with private quarters adjacent to the Archives, the Chief Librarian worked in close collaboration with the Caretaker of First Knowledge, who led the Council of First Knowledge. Occasionally, as seen after the Ruusan Reformation with Master Restelly Quist, the Chief Librarian also held the title of Caretaker. Quist's predecessor, Barra-Rona-Ban was the first Chief Librarian after the Reformation and one of the few Jedi to encounter one of the two remaining Sith Lords and live. Even before Master Ban, the Kel Dor historian Gnost-Dural supervised the recollection of data within the Temple Archives of Tython following the Sacking of Coruscant. The last Chief Librarian, former Jedi High Council member Jocasta Nu met her end among her beloved books when Darth Vader carried out Operation: Knightfall on behalf of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
After the Order was reformed under Grand Master Luke Skywalker, Tionne Solusar assumed the role of Chief Librarian, restoring the Stacks and adding information that had been lost during the Galactic Civil War. Master Solusar eventually relinquished this position, and the title was then bestowed upon Master Markre Medjev.

Jedi archivists were entrusted with the meticulous task of storing all textual material within the Archives and library. By translating all data into various common languages, the archivists would store and categorize the collected information into one of the Archives' four halls. Specializing in the storage, organization, and retrieval of knowledge, they would receive and archive information to facilitate learning for others, thereby expanding their own understanding of the galaxy. Exploring numerous areas of study, and allowing the Force to guide them to their specialization, these Jedi rarely engaged in combat, and were typically dispatched only on data-retrieval missions or to provide support to diplomats in need of a constant flow of information.
Jedi archivists thrived during times of peace, prospering in their libraries and expanding the Archives to impressive sizes. However, their numbers dwindled during the Clone Wars. The older Jedi believed that the younger generation lacked the patience required to become archivists, instead focusing on training to become Jedi Guardians. One of the few potential archivists during that period was Padawan Olee Starstone; however, Order 66 disrupted her training and progress.

Jedi librarians, who patrolled the halls of the library and Archives, served as the primary point of contact for accessing the vast collection of knowledge stored at the Temple and its affiliated facilities. Interacting with visiting Jedi and assisted by small droids, a librarian could quickly locate any resource. Some librarians also pursued studies as historians, as exemplified by Madame Jocasta Nu in the later years of the Republic.
Jedi historians, also known as chroniclers, were members of the Librarian's Assembly who specialized in researching not only the history of the Jedi but also the early origins of the Republic. These historians were responsible for overseeing and analyzing the Holocrons, under the direction of the Caretaker of First Knowledge, who led the Council of First Knowledge.
Historians of the Old Republic sometimes donned special robes inspired by Ansatan designs, signifying a higher level of learning compared to their peers. Over the centuries, Madame Nu, her ancient predecessor Atris, and the reformed Order's first historian, Tionne Solusar, were known to wear these distinctive garments.