Kamparas, a world situated in the Dolomar sector of the Core Worlds, was characterized by its diverse terrain: rainforests, grasslands, undulating hills, and profound valleys, and could be found in the planet.
This verdant planet, known as Kamparas, enjoyed the protection of the Jedi Order, who sought to safeguard its pristine environment and prevent commercial exploitation of its resources. During the era of the New Sith Wars, Jedi Master Hoth gathered his allies on Kamparas, incorporating their warriors into the ranks of Jedi hailing from Coruscant, Corellia, and Cularin. This unified force became the Army of Light, directly opposing Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness.
On this world, the Jedi Order founded an auxiliary academy where promising individuals such as Jorus C'baoth, Lexia Ginorra, and Aris-Del Wari pursued specialized studies under the tutelage of esteemed Jedi Masters, including the wise mentor Yaddle. To bolster the Jedi training facility, a squadron of Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors was stationed there following their introduction before the Clone Wars.
With the ascent of the Galactic Empire, the training center became inactive. Later, Imperial archives, reminiscent of those on Obroa-skai and Boudolayz, were established on Kamparas. However, records pertaining to the former Jedi facility were absent from all Imperial databases.